
For Section 8 laws, does reporting income include money one may have received from a accident settlement?

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Someone was hurt on the job and is no longer working. They applied and was granted section 8 benefits. since then, they received a settlement check from her old job for the injury. Is she required to report the settlement money to section 8 as although it is not a recurring payment, but a one time payment check?




  1. Yes she needs to report it.  Section 8 was given because she had no money.  Now even though its a one time payment, she has money.  When she runs out she can then file for section 8 again.  Tell her to do this because if she doesn't she will be considered being fraudulent with the govenrnent.

  2. She is required to report ALL income(EVEN money that is recieved as gifts).

    If she doesn't report that check that she recieved, and section 8 finds out (which they will-if it came from a job settlement it will be reported to the IRS, Section 8 gets all IRS reports), she will be kicked off of section 8.  

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