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Do looks matter to you (say the person is not good looking and is big) or is it personality of the person?

This is for girls 14-19 years of age, if applicable please provide age in the answer




  1. looks comes first defo.

    a guy has to look good otherwise i just wont like him.

    i might speak to a okay looking guy but wouldnt go out with him unless he had a really good personiality.

    im 15 btw as you asked.

  2. If I like the guy I will also like the way he looks. You can't have a relationship with someone you have no physical attraction to, but I have liked guys before who everyone thought was ugly but I honestly thought they were really cute or whatever. So I think love should be blind, meaning you love without your eyes and with your heart. Also here's an awesome quote. "You don't love them because they are beautiful, they are beautiful because you love them" favorite, because its really true.

  3. well im 17. looks dont matter 2 me at all. like i dont wanna be w/ someone who is s**y but bores me at the same time. i've dated people that were a bit over weight and to be honest when i first started goin out w/ him i didnt think he was cute but as we got more into the realtionship i started to think he was more attractive. but no looks dont mean a thing 2 me

  4. well it depends really

    i mean if i was searching then i tend to look at their fashion, hairstyle, and face

    then i see how their personality is

    but the ones that actually come up to talk to me, their personality shows first and thats what i fall for

    im 15 btw.

  5. I believe that personality comes first, and it ALWAYS should! If you like someone only for their looks it's a completely empty relationship that will not last. I live by the statement "You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her." And the same applies to men. If someone is willing to write you off because of your looks they're not worth your time. Sometimes the people you fall in love with are the ones you least expect! As a 15 year old girl I have encountered way too many people who engage in shallow relationships based on looks and possessions. What's important for a guy to have in books is compassion, caring, and openness. It doesn't matter what you look like; everyone needs to love and be loved. People tend to associate how good a potential partner looks with how much love they can give - the two are generally not related in practice... the most loving people out there may or may not be the best looking. Find someone who makes you smile and don't give up on them. That's the important thing in life, finding someone who makes you happy.

    Good luck

  6. Ahhh i dont really go for looks...i'm more of a personality person!

    But if ur good lookin its a bonus! =D

    But for me, a guy has to be fun, make me smile and feel good about myself, respect me and be a friend to me! i think dats whats important in a relationship!

    Although,  if a guy kinda scares me away wit his looks then dats not gud either! lol

    im 16! ;)

  7. both. the guy doesn't have to be hot. he just has to be cute. and it matters a lot about the personality.  

  8. well usually the good looking guys are big jerks so ill say 50/50 for the persona and look

    but if hes really sweet to me and looks presentable and cute then thats wat id go  4 lol

    he also has to be intelligent

  9. Looks are 50% for me. I want cute kids aswell! I don't care how smart he is.

  10. Ok, I'm going to be honest. The first thing I notice about a guy is most definately his face. But unless your amazingly shallow and refuse to talk to people who you don't consider "good looking", You'll talk to the guy. I always find out a guy's opinions on life, because other wise I don't know what he'll be like. It might turn out I'll be less attracted  to him than before, Or I might decide, if he's a guy I really like, that looks don't matter to me any more, and I just like him the way he is, inside and out :D

    ok, im 13 lol, :p but I go to upper school, I know how things work :L

  11. i think for me, only 35% looks are important..

    personality is the most important..

  12. im 14 - '

    looks mainly - ugly - no thanks - Big ? i can do better :)


    personality :)

  13. as long as they're not absolutely hideous : )

  14. well i like girls and boys with a good personality but if there just too ungoodlooking then i might just say no but usually more with the personallity

  15. thats kinda tough.

    But if he was big and not good looking but

    had the best personality in the world then i would consider it.

    So sometimes for me its a 50, 50 chance.

    Because he could be good looking with a terrible personality.

    So again it could be a 50, 50 chance either way.

    Hope i helped.

  16. personality for sure.looks don't matter.what really does is what's inside.and as long as they don't treat you like c**p.

  17. I'm 16,almost 17, honestly..sure the initial physical attraction plays a part if you're just meeting a person but to me, a personality can change things greatly. I care more about personality than i ever would looks but like i said, they do play a part in the initial attraction.

  18. Looks matter a little! As you there are certain activities one would prefer not to engage in with an ugly person! But I'd rather have a guy with a great personality than a really s**y jerk! So looks are important but personality more so!

    (am 15)

  19. Physical appearance IS important.

    Anyone who tells you different is either lying or naive.

    If the attraction isn't there, then it ain't happening in the bed room, if you know what I mean?

  20. there has to be some sort of attraction there.

  21. well everybody has different taste.


    hottest guys on earth to me.

    but to my friends they are ugly.

    so wait you'll find someone

    and if your chubby just go walking every weekend morning

    you will seriously get in better shape!

    and the least you walk has to be 1 mile and that's the least!!

  22. looks obvisously are the 1st impression, so i suppose in a way looks can be important.  sometimes possibly a more attractive guy may be more confident, or just a prat in my experience.  guys who are larger or not AS attractive can sometimes have a great personality and over time ive learnt to take nothing on face value.  looks are important, but at the end of the day your with a person not a face.  personality=80%

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