
For Teachers?

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I just wanted to ask all you teachers out there how you spend your summers? Just curious because I am looking to get into teaching.





  2. I think they can do summer school to make extra money.  But other than that, I'd imagine they'd spend their summers just like the rest of us.

  3. Some of us teach summer school which gives us a little extra money.  Many of us take summer classes to advance our degrees and get the professional development hours we need for when it is time to recertify.  I personally have been asked to tutor some students who did not go to summer school but are having difficulties and needed extra help.  I also know some teachers who take on a summer job to help keep an incoming coming in since we do not get paid during the summer; however, most schools will allow a teacher to get a balloon payment at the end of the year to help with summer expenses.  For teachers that take this option then the school will hold out so much of their pay during the school year to make this payment.  Trust me we don't sit at home and do nothing.  Oh yeah, there is also preparation for the next school year, getting the classroom ready (especially if you are switching schools, the principal decides to move classes, etc), and going over lesson plans which might need to be revised.

  4. You need the summer to rest yourself after a busy year. Usually one's clears out some teaching stuff or sorts them out, throwing out things no longer useful or storing things that are okay for the following year. It is better to get some rest or spend some good time with relatives, some travel abroad to see them too. It depends.

  5. I am going into my second year of teaching and I am so bored. Its only the third week. I am sure when I have children it will be great. Right now I need some social time.

    Wow... I get paid in the summer. I can't imagine not spending money right now. I am good at doing that. But I get paid through the summer.

  6. That all depends on the teacher.  I am taking several mini-courses this summer.  I decided against teaching summer school, because my mind needs a break from teaching so that I will be able to start next year refreshed.  I also plan to spend most of the month of August in my classroom, planning lessons and getting organized for next year.  

    I agree with some of the other responses about not going into teaching for the summer vacation.  It usually isn't really a vacation, teaching is a profession which never leaves your mind.  At best, Summer provides teachers with the flexibility to fit our work around the rest of our lives.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!!

  7. We have to keep up with our schooling. we are required to earn credits our entire career.

    I am taking a UCLA Mathematics course - all paid by me!

    I will also be planning new units and lessons, Ill have to go in to meetings for at least 2 of the weeks, My department plans to meet for a week to coordinate pacing, Ill be going through my files and working on adjusting what worked and what didnt, Ill be updating all my powerpoints, I want to try to research how to use a tablet pc in my classroom, I will be doing so "on call' mentor work for new teachers - which requires me to go to a few meetings - unsure how many, I picked up a new prep for next year - so I'll need to plan that out, i will end the summer by going in two weeks early to set up my classroom - they make us tear it down every year - and no - its not done - kids got out last friday - ill be tearing it down all next week.

    and thats all off the top of my head.

    summer is for students - its one of the myths we teachers put up with - I havent had a summer in 16 years.

  8. I do a lot of yoga and meditation to relax myself enough that I'm willing to return to teaching in the fall.

  9. I work with the maintenance staff during the summer doing projects that can't be done during the year.  I also work on preparing for next year's courses in order to make them better.
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