
For The People In Southern California: Earthquake Poll?

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1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time of the earthquake?

2. Did you anything during the earthquake to improve your safety?

3. Did you try and call someone immediately after?

4. Did you go online or turn on the television?

5. Did the earthquake cause any damage where you were at?

6. Did you panic or stay calm?

7. On a scale of 1-10 how severe was it to you?

8. What are you going to do to prepare for the next earthquake?

9. Do you feel this was a "wake-up" call for people living in Southern California?

Thank you for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated.




  1. 1. I was at school in the parking lot eating a snack and the cars started moving, like crazy.

    2. I ran to the desk in a heart beat.

    3. I had no phone at the time.

    4. I  immediately turn on the TV to fox 11 news. damage at all

    6. I was scared $hitle$$.

    7. It was about a 8/10.

    8.  Going buy a lot of Earthquake kits.

    9. Yes, this was a wake-up call for everyone.

  2. 1. In the middle of the road.

    2. I put my hands over my head.

    3. No.

    4. Not until we got home.

    5. No.

    6. I did both.

    7. [8]

    8. RUN!

    9. YES!!!!!!!!

  3. I had to stay calm, because of my job. I work with children that are in between the ages of nineteen months until two years of age. I was calm and i had to get those children under neath the table. But if i was not at work, i would have panic and ran out of my building. I was in the 1994 earthquake which was much stronger, it was a seven point one, and because the insurance companies did not want to pay out they down sized it to a six point seven. I did try to call my love ones but its hard when you are a preschool teacher.

  4. 1. I just got up from bed .

    2. Nope , I just stayed in bed , and later i walked around .

    3. Nope .

    4. I went online .

    5. Nope .

    6. I stayed pretty calm . it wasn't that bad .

    7. 3

    8. Uh , I don't know .

    9. Nope .

  5. 1.Fourth floor of a hospital visiting my wife.

    2.Got ready to pull my wife out of her bed and onto the floor if it got worse. There's usually a rubble free zone next to heavy objects when it's all over.


    4.TV was already on.


    6.I love building surfing, standing there and feeling the floor ripple under your feet, I think it's a trip.

    7. maybe a 4

    8. I've been a Californian all my life, you can't tell where it's going to hit, how long it's going to last, how big it's going to be or where you'll be when it does hit. Preparation mostly means be ready to help others, keep your wits, don't panic.

    9.Wake up for what? Every time we have these little ones it relieves pressure along the fault lines. When you haven't had one for a long time, that's when you start to worry. That's when you have a big shift that causes lots of damage like the Northridge quake.

    As far as preparation goes, keep enough canned goods and dried goods available to last a few days. Know where and how to turn off gas and electricity to your home. Stay off the phones and cell phones unless you have a life threatening situation. Emergency calls can't get through when a bunch of teeny boppers are calling their friends to see if they felt it. Keep a good first aid kit available and know how to use it. Excellent kits are available for sale at the American Red Cross.

  6. 1. In bed with my hubby. 2. Nope. 3. Yep. 4. Both. 5. Nope. 6. Stay Calm. 7. 1. 8. Nothing. 9. Yep.

  7. 1. In my Biology class, taking notes

    2. I just ducked under the desk held low, and had my hand on the desk leg,

    3.I called my House and texted a friend

    4. When I came home I did

    5. Nope, the school was fine

    6. I was dead silent in terror

    7. it was 7/10 scary

    8. We need to take the next Earthquake Drills more seriously.

    9. Yeah definate wake up call for the "Big One"

  8. 1. I'm almost 16. My younger sister and I were home alone, he's 11. We were on itunes looking for new songs to buy when the group started shaking. I thought she was moving my chair with her foot but when I looked at her she had already realized there was an earthquake.

    2. I didn't do anything for myself but I back away from the desk so my sister could cover herself under it. I just stood there covering my head with my arms.

    3. Before it even finished shaking my dad called me and after him my grandma followed my my aunt, who was followed by my mom and my other grandma and then my other aunt, I couldn't make any calls, none of them went through but my phone was ringing off the hook.

    4. We did both. My sister turned the news on and I looked but the magnitude online.

    5.No damage.

    6. I was fairly calm, my sister almost cried. It was her first major earthquake. I was effected physically or emotionaly.

    7. In my opinion it was like an 5.8. It could have been soooo much worse.

    8.It was a wake call but most people hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. If you get what I'm trying to say.

  9. my dads house

    i went to a door way




    i paniced a little




  10. 1. I was at home, watching Charmed.

    2. My dad and i ran to the doorway and stood under it.

    3. Yes, i called my grandparents, and then texted my friends to see if they were alright.

    4. Yes, i turned on the TV, and went onto the Earthquake website.

    5. Nope, no damage.

    6.I panicked.

    7.It was 8/10 scary.

    8. I'm going to keep an earthquake kit.

    9. Yes, this a HUGE wake-up call.

  11. I was in the kitchen cutting strawberries.

    Nah, I kept cutting strawberries.

    Nope, everyone was home.

    We turned on the TV.

    NO DAMAGE at all.

    I stayed calm...until my dad yelled at me for not standing near the door frame thing.

    I'd say 7.

    Absolutely nothing. Whatever will happen is meant to happen.

    Not really. Earthquakes are normal

  12. I felt it at work... it was really rolly, i was very dizzy after it


  13. 1. In my kitchen, emptying the dishwasher.

    2. I ran into my back yard.

    3. Yes, I tried to call my husband and daughter.

    4. I had the television on, but I switched the channel to news.

    5. No.

    6. I was a bit scared, but I didn't freak out.

    7. I live in South Orange County, so not too bad - maybe 3-4.

    8. Nothing really.

    9. Don't really understand this question - there are natural disasters everywhere.  Other states get hurricanes and tornadoes on a much more regular basis than we get earthquakes.  I love living in California - it's gorgeous here!  But, maybe I should make an earthquake survival kit or something.

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