
For Warhammer 40k Gamers, Can Witch Hunter Armies field Imperial Guard and Space Marine units?

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Me and my brother both started collecting Warhammer 40k at the same time. He got Imperial Guard, I got Space Marines. We always thought we were just getting them to collect and paint. Now that I want to start playing the game, I'd like to be able to use both armies. If I was fighting as Witch Hunters and bought an Inquistor, could I field units from the Imperial Guard aswell as units from Space Marines?




  1. Not both at the same time.  The Witch Hunters have a rule called "In the Name of the Immortal Emperor..." which allows them to take Space Marine or Imperial Guard units as Troops, Elites, Fast Attack or Heavy Support choices, but they can only take *either* Imperial Guard *or* Space Marines - the implication being that if they could get marines, why would they bother to get Guard?

    Get the Witch Hunters codex and all will be explained.

  2. WTF is warhammer 40k?

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