
For Women Only...ovulation!!?

by  |  earlier

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i had a period july 7 it lasted for 5 to 7 days. i had unprotected s*x on the 7,10,12,an the 20. my cycle is about every 28 days.

i dont no how that ovulation days sfuff works.

so some one please tell me if they think i could be pregnant?

im really nervous, cause i already have kids. plus me an this guy is not a couple.

thanx in advance




  1. Hey there,

    It's definately possible. I would worry specifically about the July 20th, which is the 15th day of your cycle (and right around your ovulation). Your ovulation is liekly to have happened 14 or 15.

    There's a 15-20% chance of being pregant when you ahve s*x around your ovulation time. So those are the odds I think you have.

    Hope you get the result you want; good luck!

  2. If you have had unprotected s*x there is always a chance you could get pregnant.

  3. Your ovulation happen 14-16 days after the first day of your last period and If you count  the 20th is the 14th day and the first day of your ovulation day  but the 22-23 are the best  days though. but there a chance that you could be pregnant ovulation last any where from 4-5 day check on-line and look up ovulation calculator and calender and it will tell you the when your ovulating. good luck

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