
For Women who have had a child already and then either had a second or trying to have another quickly!!

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I had a baby 4 months ago and was wondering how long it would take for my body to get back to normal so that I could become pregnant. Or if you becames pregnant so quickly after having your last child. I have been on the shot for 3 months now and it expires between Aug 2nd and aug 16th....(when I'll have to get another shot) But I won't be having another due to the fact that the shot gave me a 3 MONTH PERIOD!! everyday straight. NO THANK YOU!!! hand me the PILL.




  1. My daughter was 6 months old when I fell pregnant with my son.

    My mates daughter was only 2 months when she feel pregnant again.

    Id recommend giving your body time to heal, but if you want to have another, then I say go for it. My kids are close in age, and I love it :)

  2. i don't understand the question? , but your body takes a while,even up to a year to completely heal, this is your first round on the depo, it takes time, but be careful on the depo, i gain 20 pounds the 1st year on the depo.....

  3. In april my husband and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who was stillborn. I wondered right away how soon I could have another baby. My doctor told me it takes a womans body 4 months to heal after pregnancy and giving birth. Its been 4 months and my husband and i just started to try, and everything seems to be back to normal :)

    Good luck

  4. Most doctors will tell you that you should wait at least 12 months before getting pregnant again. I know people have children less than 12 months apart all the time but that doesn't mean it's safe. You have a higher chance of miscarriage also.  

  5. I my son was 6 months old when I got preg. I am now 14 weeks along and he just turned 9 months he will be a year and 2-3 months when I have the baby. I nursed til he was 3 months then I went on the pill for 2 months (free samples ran out) I stopped taking the pill and got preg. the next month. I am not high risk my Dr. said @ 25 years old I should have no problems having a healthy pregnancy and baby. The baby has tested negative for spinabifida, downs and trisomey 18 and 21. I expect that come Jan. 1st 2009 I will have my healthy new baby girl and a 14 month old son. I did plan my pregnancies and never heard of something bad happeing to a woman or unborn child because she had kids close together. My sister is 14 months older than me and my bother is 12 months 5 days younger than me we all came out fine!!!

  6. i know someone who got pregnant 3 months after having another child.  

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