
For a bottle rocket chould i put wings on the rocket?

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(fins are not wings) I want the rocket to glide so it goes far. beacause Im graded by how far it goes. (This is for science class)




  1. I recommend Delta Wing. big surface excellent for gliding.

    Swing back Wing is for high speed purpose and not suitable for rocket bottle.

  2. Well I used to fly them in Science Olympiad, and I had one that stayed airborne for 29 seconds.

    You will not be able to put wings on it for two reasons, the first is that the lift would pull the rocket to one side, and the second is that even if you could get it up there without pulling to one side, you would need it to be trimmed in order to fly strait which would be nearly impossible.

    If you want it to go the farthest, you want to do two things, first you want to make the stabilizers, the little wings on the back of the rocket, as small as possible. They dont need to be more than the size of your thumb. Even smaller would work as long as they are as perpendicular to the body as possible so it goes strait.

    Secondly, you want to attach a long nose to the front of the bottle. A plastic tube works best, but you can use the tube from wrapping paper if you want. The longer you make it, the more aerodynamic and stable it will be.

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