
For a branded food company, what type of site should we have? Any links to articles on the subject?

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What benefits of having information vs interactive. No orders will be placed on the site. Our distribution is nation-wide.




  1. Nowadays, it is possible for a marketer to have a mix of sites: informational and interactive. I think your company could be well served by having a combination of both.

    Clearly, there is a need to promote your brand as its own entity. For this reason, a more informational type site might be appropriate.

    At the same time, you may have need to interact with your customers. For example, if  a customer or client wanted to know the name of the vendor or supplier nearest them, perhaps they could find it by entering zip code information. Or, you might offer passwords to key customers who need up to the minute price information.

    Another thing you might consider is establishing a blog. These days, blogs have replaced standard "newsletter-type" editorial. Blogs allow the writer/marketer to be much more timely and responsive to specific questions and topics.

    For example, with summer nearly here, perhaps your blog might feature tips on how to barbecue or how to grill a halibut steak. Or, as other items become more seasonal, you could speak to them. A blog would also allow Customers to post their own comments and responses, giving you more direct contact with them.

    So, for example, if you have several customers asking the same type of question, you can easily respond to several of them in your next blog.

    Blogs are to be taken seriously, however, and need to be updated on at least a weekly basis in order to have much value to your customer.

    I used to have a client who ran his own supermarket, and he had a very customer-oriented approach to his business. His customers responded very favorably to it, and actually looked forward to receiving his marketing pieces. I realizing that promoting a food brand is much different, but I think there are universal concepts and messages that are received by all audiences.

    If you have additional questions, I would be happy to accept an e-mail from you.

    Good luck!

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