
For a d.u.i. in Pa. if you refused the blood test how much time in jail would you get?

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Someone said an automatic 60 days or maybe 48 hrs.




  1.               the only time you will do will be when you get arrested unless you did more than just a dui.good luck i know it sucks.i had a dui before

  2. Well, it's an automatic 1 year revocation of your driving privilege regardless of whether you're convicted of the DWI charge.  Any jail time would be based on the actual DWI conviction, not the fact of your refusal of a chemical test.

  3. Refusing a blood draw will get your license taken away, but any jail time comes from the DUI, not the refusal.  

  4. Refusing the test is an automatic 1 year suspension of driving priveleges, can be appealed to a civil trial if you have grounds to beleive you should not have been asked in the first place (rarely wins, based on what I see).  The suspnsion counts when license is received by the DMV.  Another defense that seems to work better is if the breath test or field sobriety test was inconclusive.

    I'll assume you already refused, so that ship may have sailed.  

    Now, you want to consult with a lawyer in your area. They will be aware of programs for first time offenders that can possibly avoid jail time (depending on the BAL)

  5. you can not refuse to take the blood-alcohol level test. if so you will be automatically arrested, taken into booking given a "certain (fool proof)" blood-alcohol content test and if you refuse to do that one they will take u to the hospital and draw blood and figure it out that way. at least in VA that's how it goes.

  6. well it depends on how many dui's you have but not blowing is the same thing as saying i just drank a fifth of jack not i good idea it's easier to just take a blood test and say you weren't that drunk when you were driving in the time it took you to take the test your body absorbed more of the alcohol so while you were driving you were legal but a couple hours later you were not  

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