
For a fine dining restaurant , is it ok to wear nice shirt and jeans rather than business casual??

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For a fine dining restaurant , is it ok to wear nice shirt and jeans rather than business casual??




  1. It depends on the jeans...  I've seen a man wear some really great jeans that were ironed down the front of the legs to make a crease paired with a gorgeous button-down shirt, and it looked better than the three-piece suit on the guy directly behind him.  But I've also seen people wear wrinkly jeans, jeans with holes in them, jeans that were stained- and the maitre'd turned them away every time.  So if you are going to do jeans to a fine restaurant and you know they aren't against the dress code, make sure you do jeans the classy (not class-LESS) way...

  2. Yes my bf does it all the time.  Wears a button down or polo with jeans.

  3. It's insulting to the other guests.

    I would be pissed if I was dressed to the nines sitting next a guy in jeans. I know my chef would not even allow people to wear denim in his dining room. I once had a manager tell a guy, "I can sit you in about half an hour. In that time you can go home & change your clothes into something more appropriate."

    Call ahead to see it they allow casual clothing. Or you may be in for a rude awakeing when you try to sit for dinner.

  4. I would not wear jeans

  5. Why not, unless they have a specific dress code...

  6. in fine dining - stay away from jeans!

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