
For a forex trading beginner, can we just rely on a signal service ?

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If so, please share with me what is a good service.




  1. The answer is no and I run the cheapest service there is, I know this too because I have checked. I do not want you to subscribe to my service unless you do the following;

    Read my entire website.

    Attend my free webinars.

    Set up my free trend indicators

    Listen to my free audio library

    Read All of my technical articles on the website

    Ask questions.

    Be willing to papertrade or trade microlots with a stop order for 6 months.

    Then you are welcome to subscribe for $19.95 per month. After broker rebates it could be less.

    Good Trading

    Mark Mc Donnell

  2. finding a good forex service can be hard at times, theres a lot of so called companys that end up scaming you in the end, heres a site great site that does reviews on all the sites and has blogs of personal experiences from people who trade forex with diffrent broker.

    as far as charting is concerned i would go with Ensigns software they have the best charting packages. 40.00 bucks a month isnt bad at all. hope this helps

  3. Focus more on fundamentals than technical analysis. Economic news analysis is what moves the markets.

    Here is a free site that shows what has happened after economic news releases:

  4. Hi Sat Tin,

    I personally do not rely on a signal service for my foreign trading.  I actually use the hints and tips that I receive from the free newsletter at to be very helpful with my forex analysis.  Good luck to you!

  5. If you have a little money to invest, I would highly recommend checking out some forex software. These can be extremely helpful in telling you when to trade and for how much. I would not trade without one personally.

    A great new one that has been working out well for me can be found here:

    It is pretty acurate with its predictions. You may find it as invaluable as I have.

    Hope you succeed in forex! It can though sometimes

  6. Hello,

    Sorry but I personally prefer to invest in my own Forex trading education rather than relying on a signal service.  I wouldn't want my profits to be dependent on someone else. If the signal service closes down or starts charging exorbitant prices, I would have to start from scratch again.

  7. I used to subscribe to a service paying a fee every month.  In fact I tried 3 different ones.  One made some money for me for a while but I lost in the other two.  So it depends on which service you choose.

    Why not get software to generate these signals and test to see if they give good results? It is much cheaper.  Forex Killer is one such software.

  8. visit the

  9. Some good advice and guides here:

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