
For a friend of a friend! If you are a passenger in a car with an uninsured driver are you breaking the law?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously though i don`t think that many are absolutely sure of the laws!




  1. The only way the law will know if the driver is uninsured is if he gets in an accident. I know that some states require insurance, so I guess it's best to either make sure the car you're in is insured or find another ride. A passenger rarely gets in trouble for the driver's problems, unless drugs or alcohol are involved. And if you do get in an accident, you are responsible for your own hospital bills, which can be very expensive. That's why I won't let anyone drive my vehicle that isn't insured either. It messes with the insurance rates too. It's best to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles to be sure. But I sure wouldn't want to take a chance and find out the hard way. <*)))><

  2. If you are a passenger in another person's vehicle, and that person is driving without insurance, you are not liable either civilly or criminally.  You are not breaking any law.  You simply endanger yourself since any accident he gets into that results in an injury to you will not be covered - you get to pay for your own medical care.

    I have stopped drivers and found them not to be insured.  The driver got a very expensive ticket and the car got impounded.  Everybody walked. . .

  3. no... but if you get hurt, you are responsible for paying for your injuries. I would avoid riding with this person, tho.

  4. The imortant thing here is if the person KNOWS that the driver is uninsured.

  5. If you are the passenger in the car with the uninsured driver, I don't think it's against the law, but you shouldn't travel with them for your own safety. If that driver is involved in an accident, you will have a hard time getting your medical bills covered. I know most people don't think about that, but there is a reason why they are called 'accidents'.

  6. Potentially aiding & abeting, but you could always plead ignorance to the fact that they were uninsured.

  7. There is more than one answer to this depending on the circumstances.

    If you are just a passenger along for the ride with no knowledge of the drivers status, no you are not breaking the law.

    If you are aware of the circumstances, and you are in the car because you have asked to be taken somewhere OR it's being used in conjunction with YOUR work then yes, you are guilty of Aiding and abetting no insurance, if it's for your work you are also guilty of permitting no insurance or even Using with no insurance even though you're not driving.

  8. NO INSURANCE.......................NO RIDE!

  9. No the passenger won't be breaking the law.

    It's only the owners responsibility.

  10. just change the driver if you are in an accident.... because you don't 12 be answering the authorities..

  11. If you know the person is driving without Insurance then yes if you do not know then No.

  12. no

  13. for a friend of a friend.... yea right... we all know it's u!!

  14. Yes. Aiding and abetting. Ignorance is no defence under the law and if there's an accident and you get injured you'll probably get nothing. Not too certain whether you can be held accountable for damage and injury to someone else in  the event of an accident. Probably

    ps for 'you' read 'them or they' lol

  15. no but the driver is

  16. yes aiding and abetting

  17. not sure, but if you know it for a fact, you may be charged with aiding & abetting..

  18. The passenger is not responsible, but the driver can be held responsible in the event of passenger injury, up to and including incarceration.If the passenger has knowledge of the lack of insurance then they can be held responsible for endangering their own life by making the bone-headed decision to ride with an uninsured driver.Notthat they would necessarily be charged with self-endangerment, but in my view, anyone who would ride with an uninsured driver ought to be charged with cluelessness in possibility, and made to suffer the pebble path of enlightenment.

  19. No the driver is the only one repsonsible.

  20. No...............

  21.'re risking your life.

  22. no your not, but as said you are risking your life with an uninsured and also inexperienced driver, and theres 33% more chance of a crash with an inexperienced driver when theres a passenger in the car, think about it.

  23. Yup!You should'nt need to ask that question.Be careful and be safe.

  24. a friend of a friend........! yes u are.

  25. the person who has to be insured is the driver...riding in a car with an uninsured driver is not against the law...however it is putting the passenger in an extremely dangerous position if there is an accident, and the driver can be sued for any injuries to the passenger resulting from any accident that the driver may have...

  26. who cares ?i get around

  27. From a friend of a friend, no; but the driver is..

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