
For a friend?

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A friend of mine is looking at a 19 year old game horse for her daughter. They say hes in perfect health. (of course there going to get a vet check) but anywho.

If hes a good game horse do you think its worth it?




  1. Ya why not as long as he still has pep and he is sound she can get another 5-10  years out of him. My horse is 21 and he still has lots of get up and go.

  2. 19 is ok. My calf roping horse is 18 and I love him because he doesn't make mistakes. I do. He doesn't. That a great way to go at it. I don't realy care for people who buy baby's for baby's. I have seen some turn out fine, on the other hand it is the same reason I stopped taking in many outside horses for corrective training. The horse and your friend should be fine.

  3. He sounds like a lovely horse and if he checks out I don't see why not. The last horse i sold was a 17 year old and I sold him to a beginner looking for a horse to learn and grow with. He's safe, knows his job and i think it's really a great confidence booster for the girl. Older horses can be wonderful teachers.

  4. Yup. Old horses are treasures.

    I'd buy him as long as he's a good ride.

  5. I say if its a good game horse and checks out with there vet and there riding test, then go for it just because its 19 doesnt mean its worm food yet. Hes still in his prime and will do awesome in games. How much are they asking?

    I say jump on that also maybe they could get them to drop the cost to a 1,000 seeing as he is up near his retired age. or she can just use him up till 25 and have him on supplements and such.

  6. I had a friend who was kicking butt on a 25 AQHA/Arab cross... it all depends on the horse... at that age though, I would not pay alot of $$ for it since it probably only has roughly 10 years left... I think $1300 is more than fair ... the older horses tend to know the patterns and are good with kids.

  7. Yes!

  8. Its hard to say because you didnt mention how old the girl that would be riding him was or if shes ridden before.

    It depends on the horse but age is a big thing and you dont want him to die on her because she would be horrified(obviously).

    I would deffinantly get a vet check though since you can never be to sure.

    If the horse and the girl are a good match then i would say go for it!!!

    good luck.
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