
For a language tutor - how to make teaching more interesting?

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Im going to teach a 11 years old girl who wanna improve her speaking mandarin (she has learnt it at school, just wanna improve the oral skills). Im wondering what kind of activities I can create (such as reading short stories? Im not sure..) to make the teaching more interesting and effective?




  1. try to explain her basics thru stories

    1. talk to her as much as possible in mandarin

    2. relate ur study plans with some interesing manner. for example, ask her to tell how she wud prefer to enjoy her holidays(in mandarin)

    3. try to be her friend first if u want a remarkable results.

    4. try that she l herself find the answers u just show her direction.. means tel hr basics of the lang n then let her explore it herself

  2. role plays and conversations about topics that she likes

  3. Don't forget the first basics of learning:

    See it, Write It, Say it! and you will never forget it

    Also, children are always interested in things that you relate to them personally.  Find her hobbies; what does she like to do in her spare time after school

    what colors does she like

    what toys does she play with

    where does she enjoy going

    Ask her about herself in Mandarin.  

    What color are your eyes

    What color do you wish your eyes were

    What color hair do you really like

    what clothes do you like

    things like that.  Always make the statements about "her" ... as children relate to themselves, and their family members the most.

    Children are basically selfish little devils, but that is the way nature makes us.

    Good luck to you.

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