
For a natural birth after a c-section?

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I have a 7 month old daughter and she was delivered by c-section. I do plan on having more kids in the future, but I really want to have a natural birth the next time around. So is there anything i can start doing now to increase the chances of me having a successful natural birth with my next child, when that time comes? I looked on the internet and could not find a site to answer this, so also if you have any site suggestions, that will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you and I will give a best answer!




  1. A lot of this will depend on the hospital that you deliver at, not just your OB. You need to find out if the hospital allows for VBAC's. I know the hospital that is closest to my house doesn't. They just aren't equipped to handle the problems if something does arise.  It also depends on the type of c-section that they did on whether or not you will be allowed to have a vaginal birth. If they did a classic c-section then you won't be able to do anything but have c-sections. The risk is to high that complications will arise from a previous classic c-section to not have another one. The best advice I can give you is just give yourself time to heal from the c-section.

  2. I have never heard of anything you can do to increase the chances of a VBAC??I had a c-section with my first pregnancy and ended up having one with my second too,but it was a problem with me,my body wouldn't dialate and my baby was is distress so I had to go that way,most doctors (depending on the reason you had to have a c-section) will suggest having another one,There are chances of ripping your scar open from pushing to hard but they are very unlikely.When the time comes I would talk to the OB and see what they suggest after all  they have you and your babies best interests at heart:) Good luck.

  3. Well if you want a natural birth instead of a c-section, talk to your doctor about it.  If they feel it will be okay for you to do natural then stay with them.  However if they insist they want you to have c-section, don't right away switch doctors.  I say that because you need to hear why the doctor wants you to have a c-section instead.  If there is a possible chance that your scar from the previous c-section might rip because of a possibly soon pregnancy or breech baby as well.  Now if the doctor says something about because it's what most doctors do these days (basically if your doctor says something and you don't feel it's right) then go to a doctor who believes natural will work for you.  

      My mother had to do a C-section on my brother because the cord was being pinched in a way so my brother wasn't getting enough oxygen.  My mother had me two years later.  She wanted to do  natural birth with me.  Her doctor wanted her to as well.  The problem was the week she was suppose to be due with me, her doc was suppose to be out of town.  Because of that, had she gone into labor when he was gone, doctors at hospital would have just done a c-section then.  So the doctor thought i was ready to be born a week early and my mom got her natural birth and I was born naturally at 8 pounds even =)

    Best of luck to you and your 7 month old =) =)

  4. Are you talking about natural as in vaginal or natural as in no drugs/epidural?  Your best bet is to make sure you are fully healed before getting pregnant again which is a good 12-18 months. Other than that do a search on VBAC. My other suggestion for next time is to hire a doula and use a midwife instead of an OBGYN. I used a wonderful CNM and had a hospital birth. The circumstances around my birth would have been 100% c-section if I had an obgyn instead. Interveiw around and my suggestion would be to find one that has practiced on her own in the past perhaps as a home birth midwife as mine had. Her c-section transfer rate was extremely low, this was a huge fear of mine.

    You can still get an epidural with a midwife as long as you are in a hospital.

  5. It's good to wait 2 years for a natural birth after a c-section. Try and google VBAC and you'll get tons of info. Good Luck!

  6. As the first answer stated it is called a VBAC Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. I did it an had little to no complications. Normal OB's wont neciassarily do it. Mid-Wives are more open to it then OB's. In my opinion you should try it. I had a mid wife who helped me decide that that was the right option. There wasnt any particular way to prepare for it. The only thing is that if you do opt for it, You cant have it COMPLEATLY natural. You have to have the epidural in case something goes the scar tissue tearing. They dont have risk waiting for the anesthesiologist to get there. GOOD LUCK!

  7. talk to your doctor about doing a future Vback delivery.  From what i know, some doctors will do these, and some won't.  My best friend had her daughter by c-sections b/c the baby was breech.  She wanted the option of a vaginal delivery with her next baby, but had to switch OB's to do it.  her first doctor wouldn't do them.

    You can check out for more info on vbac's.

    Good luck

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