
For a non-American, can you please explain the policies of Obama and McCain?

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I'm British and would like to know the differences between them i.e. McCain is big on military expenditure, Obama is not? etc






  1. Democrats= the government should take care of every aspect of my life. big government

    Republican= National security and self sufficiency. small government

  2. hi,

    as for me,(i'm Turkish), for the foreigner affairs and issues , nothings change because last decision is accepted by the "deep state" in USA not parties (e.d Democrate or Republicans)and for the interiors affairs , i don't care anyway because i'm not American.

  3. Well I'm the same as you Chris, I'm British and have just listened to Obama given his speech, and as far as I can gather he's just going to be another Bush, he believes in so called 'terrorists', and 'Al-Qa'eda', seams no one has told him that there is no such group, and that the name was made up by the American government, this so called Al-Qa'eda is from a group of arabs that were trained and armed by the British SAS many years ago so they could fight the Turks, the war is a right sham.  But he is going to carry on with it, his speech was all flannel.  So there will be no change if he gets in.

  4. The Democrats, Obama, Clinton, etc., believe that if American individuals are well cared for, then that is good for American Capitalism (business). The Republicans, McCain, Romney, etc., believe that if American Capitalism (business) is taken care of, then that is good for the American individual. That's it in a nutshell. All of the rest is rhetorical BS.

  5. Please go to their web sites.. Or watch CNN reveled.. You will get SO MANY bias answers on here.. Have to sift through the Bull

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