
For a person who speaks english and spanish what language would be easyer 2 learn?

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russian or japanese?




  1. Japanese is no where near as hard as people make it out to be. I fluently speak English (duh), Spanish, French and Japanese, and can honestly tell you, Japanese is one of the easier ones. You can't compare it to any other language because the grammar and sentence structure is completely unique, but once you get the basics, it's very easy to build upon it. The only killer is learning the kanji (there's three parts to the writing of Japanese, hiragana which is a syllabary used for Japanese words, katakana which is a syllabary used for foreign words, and kanji which are Chinese characters used to write intangible words such as emotions, ideas, colors, etc.) Another very easy thing about Japanese is that since the country was literally walled up against foreign intruders, there are a lot of words that don't exist in their language, so they assimilate English words, such as jigusoo pazuru for jigsaw puzzle, konpyuta for computer, ranpu for lamp, etc.

  2. Russian is an Indo-European language. in the same general family as English and Spanish, though not so closely related as they are to each other.  Japanese is in a totally different family.  In addition, Russian uses an alphabet, though not ours, while Japanese  uses several writing systems..

  3. Between those 2 Russian

  4. russain! duh. its not really dat similar to either language, but japanese isnt anywhere close to similar. in russain, i could tell u right now dat you know 1/3 of the russain alphabet and u already might be able to prounounce and understand some words. but in japanese ur starting all over. all the letters are pretty much doodles (no offense) and the pronounciation is very different too.

    so russain would be easier, but japanese would be more "exotic" but obviously harder

  5. Your options are very limited and neither is going to be easy.  I'm inclined to accept what Little Lotte says because I know for sure one very educated person, a Spanish teacher who is also fluent in English, who couldn't master Russian. On the other hand, a relative of mine who lives in Japan and speaks fluent Japanese insists it's not nearly as hard to learn as feared.  


  6. it is russian for sure

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