
For a protein supplement do you recommend soy or hemp powder?

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What are the essential differences?




  1. if you eat a balanced vegetarian diet.. you don't need a supplement.

  2. maybe educate yourself on food combinations that are complete proteins, which is what your body is craving.  example - beans/legumes combined with any grain will create a complete protein - so go have a burrito.  note both supplements you mention are either a bean or a seed, if combined with any grain will create a complete protein.  other examples:  PBJ, lentil soup w/rice, tofu burger.  essential differences between soy & hemp - 1-they are two completely different plants - one is a bean, the other is a seed - they both have proteins neither complete until combined correctly.  happy combining!  :)

  3. I drink soy, I'd worry about using hemp since I'm not sure if it shows up in drug tests.  

  4. For a super high metabolism you might look into adding some flax oil to your foods and some whole nuts and seeds so you get the entire nutritional profile those foods provide including fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals in addition to protein and calories. Too much protein can actually be harmful (though plant proteins are easier on our bodies than animal proteins):

    Given that, I would choose hemp, or at least organic soy:



          In the plant kingdom hemp is second only to soy in protein content. But it has several advantages over the soybean.

         Unlike Hemp Protein Powder, many soy protein isolate powders that are not labelled organic are often processed with hexane, a petroleum solvent that has adverse impacts on the environment and potentially human health. The resulting hexane-processed soy is utilized in many soy protein powders, cereals and bars. Hemp protein Powder produced using only expeller (cold) pressed techniques does not involve the use of hexane in the production process. It is this same technique that ensures valuable vitamins and minerals are not destroyed during processing.

           Soy protein contains oligosaccharides that can cause stomach upset and gas in some individuals. Hemp Protein Powder is free of this irritant and there are no known allergens present in Hemp Protein Powder. The addition of sugar to many soy protein products is also a concern for our expanding waistlines.

          Perhaps the most important difference, the non-organic soybeans used in many soy protein powders are often derived from genetically modified soybeans. Hemp is never genetically modified. In addition, hemp foods have low environmental impact because hemp doesn't require Herbicides or Pesticides to grow.


    Hemp also has more Omega 3 fatty acids and a better ratio of 3 versus 6 than soy does. Flax though is even better and makes up for the other foods in our diets that have worse 3 to 6 ratios.

    Both hemp and soy are considered "complete" proteins as are several other plants such as quinoa, chia, and more but read the first links on protein myths to understand more about how protein combining isn't necessary and that nearly all foods except sugars and some alcohols have protein.

  5. I would personally prefer hemp, because I have only ever heard positive health benefit feedback about hemp.

    Where as, I have heard debatable issues about the health benefits and safely of soy.

    So I would put it down to personal choice and what works best for you.

    I use to use a rice protein supplement powder, which I found to be exceptionally good.

    EDIT: Just in case others are confused, as per the other poster on here. Hemp powders, tablets and oil for health benefits and consumption, have absolutely NOTHING to do with the marijuana that you smoke. They are completely different parts of the plant and a have a completely different extraction process.


  6. I'd probably have to say soy because in most cases it has more protein than hemp protein supplement powders. I use Kashi GoLean vanilla protein powder in my smoothies to add some protein into my breakfast.

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