
For a single person in the navy do you have to be a certain rank to get BAH? Is it the same at all commands?

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My reason for asking this is that my boyfriend is currently an E-4 and at the place he's at now he has to live on base. He'll be moving to Pearl Harbor sometime next year and so I'm wondering if he stays at that rate what his housing options are over there? I work in corporate so I have really no navy background and whatever info I do get is from my guy or the internet so any help would be much appreciated.





  1. it depends on base and situation.

    here are some links to look at.

  2. It is different at every base.

    It depends on how many housing units are at the base.

    If a base has a lot of empty barracks rooms, then they will refuse to give lower ranks BAH, until the barracks get filled.

    On other bases, I have seen E3s getting BAH because there simply was not enough onbase to go around.

    There is no hard and fast rule.

  3. He will have to be an NCO E5 or above to be able to qualify for BAH.


    If barracks are over crowded then more than likely he can get it as a E4

  4. He will get BAH and be allowed to live off of this base when he becomes an E5. But he wont get as much as if he had a dependent (i.e. was married).

  5. I started collecting BAH as an E4 (Navy). However the barracks was over crowded and I got permission from my command.

    Usually it is at least an E4 (sometimes E3) at shore duty

    Usually it is at least and E5 at Sea Commands.

    It will vary from one command to the other and if there is adequate housing on base. When the barracks are over crowded the commands will grant permission to lower ranks.

    He should call his sponsor at Pearl Harbor and ask what the housing situation is there.

  6. generally speaking, E5 or E4 with 4 years in before they can REQUEST to move out of  the barracks.  each command has discretion to approve or deny.  

  7. In most services you have to be an E-5 to move off base and qualify for BAH!

  8. Must be a E-5 in the Navy to move off base and get BAH.

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