
For a week now I've gotten nearly blinding headaches around the same time of day?

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I started school on Tuesday, and taht aternoon I got one of the worst headaches ever. All I wanted to do was sleep, so I went to bed at 9 (I wake up at 6:15. The earliest I CAN go to bed is nine, due to homework and such). The next day I was not tired, but that afternoon when I came home, I had the same headache. Everyday! This happened at least twice a week during the summer, too.

I try to keep hydrated and eat every few hours, but the same headache comes back. It's as if I'm overtired, but I don't know how to prevent this.




  1. Now this is just a guess but your headaches might be caused by poor eyesight. Do you wear glasses? When is the last time you had an eye exam? Eye strain and stress can cause you to squint unknowingly and create tension in your neck and shoulders that might lead to the killer headaches. Or it could be sinus related, an infection or maybe allergies. IDK.

  2. take a short nap. Learn a way to relax like yoga. You could be getting stress headaches. Sleep is very important. If you do not feel rested when you wake up in the morning then you really need to see a doctor.  

  3. Sounds like maybe migraines?  I would get an appointment with your doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on.

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