
For about a month now there have been numerous amounts of spiders in my house.?

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In our bathrooms, in the kitchen, everywhere. We spray something for spiders in these rooms about once a week, but I am still finding one or two almost daily. Most are about as big as a dime. What can i do about this effectively? Please help because everytime i see one i freak out and get really paranoid.

thanks =)




  1. I used to find that cleaning my basement which was not finished but definitely used for lots of things needed to have all the runners that held the house up, cant think what they are called.... anyway they needed to be vacuumed about twice a year, Spring and Fall.  Doing a very through job down in the basement where they seemed to all hang out certainly put a huge damper on what was coming upstairs for the summer and then the winter.

    I would take the nozzle and just clean clean clean all the roof, or top of basement.  My basement had a  cement floor with older concrete block walls.  But it had been a basement with a cistern.  So I am sure they could get in somewhere.

    So it depends how old or new your house it... but I know that helped us.

  2. Lar's answer is good also make sure you don't have any trash or food laying about that can attract them.

  3. it would help to treat the ground around the structure...treat 15 feet out and several feet up the foundation.  Any general insecticide that will attach to the garden hose will work, but note it will only help reduce the numbers, probably not totally stop them

  4. call an exterminator ,unless  its not that big of a problem , but do u have a huge garden outside your home like in your backyard or anything? that could be your problem omg i have seen a couple of senapeeds in my house O_o, but bugs like spiders and other infesting things are attracted to that kinda stuff  

  5. leave a picture of you naked in the kitchen, they will see this and never come back it works 4 all insects my friend tried it and they dont lik naked bodies

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