
For about how much do u think that u can sell 365 yu-gi-oh cards at target and they r not such powerful cards?

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For about how much do u think that u can sell 365 yu-gi-oh cards at target and they r not such powerful cards?




  1. Wow, I never knew that Target buys Yu-Gi-Oh cards. But it will depend on the cards because each card has its different price. Maybe this website can help you.

  2. target  does not buy cards

    you can try to sell them online or to people locally  

  3. I would have to know what rare cards are in the bunch,and are the cards in good condition? But if they are all common and in good condition I would have to say around $18.00.but i'm not sure, i need more detail  

  4. ive never heard of target bying cards. but if they do where u live or its just  typo then most of the cards if they are not powerful will be worthless. the only way that they wont is if they are old rare cards or just rare cards. the blue eyes white dragon from the kaiba deck is worth like 20 bucks now so it all depends on whacha got

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