
For adoption, which is easier?

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To adopt from here in the States or to adopt from a foreign country.

You see many people nowadays adopting from out of the me that suggests that its harder to adopt American children.

For the record (details always help) I am looking to adopt a set of siblings (2 or 3) that are older than seven and come from abusive situations.




  1. For the type of family you hope to adopt, I'd say stick with a local adoption.  There are many children in the United States who fit your description.  County-sponsored adoptions of older children are often very inexpensive.  There is a great need for adoptive parents like you who want to be parents to these needy kids.  And you will not have to worry about a language problem, as you would if you adopted older kids from another country who spoke only their native language.  Best of luck to you.

  2. You can do that here in the states by contacting child protective services in your area .... sometimes you have to be "foster parent" for a year before the rights to the parents are terminated.  As for babies I think it is easier outside of the states....seems here that people fear the biomom coming back and the judge giving her the child back.  Also I am sure you can get siblings that are older overseas too as they are usually the last to be adopted.  Good luck in your search

  3. Adopting from the states is easier, especially if you are looking for older children. Younger however, is hard because they are first to be adopted. Adopting overseas is becoming more popular due the number of unwanted children overseas and the fact that many customs overseas look down upon adoption. China is big on numbers of unwanted girls, many Chinese family try to have a boy due to tradition but end up with a girl too many times and give them up for adoption.

  4. Neither of them is easy.  They each have their own challenges and are very different.  With international, you wait for a referral and it is pretty much first to get their paperwork in is first to get a child.  With domestic newborn adoption, you have to market yourself and wait to be chosen by a birth family.  If you are looking for siblings who are older, I would definitely check out the waiting child list in your state.  These children are already cleared for adoption and waiting for someone like you.  Good luck!

  5. Hi there, We have adopted from overseas and are now looking into foster adopting here in the US. I do not think either is easier. We went foreign because we felt drawn to our little guy from the start and we were nervous about the US system. It was not easy adopting from out of the country at all. But now we feel ready to take on the system here.

    I think though if you want a sibling group I would call social services or a foster adopt agency. They will have more older children and sibling groups. Through the state will be most if not all no cost to you. Private agencies do charge a fee for home study, and what else I am not sure yet. There are not many foreign countries that allow more than one child to be adopted at a time sibling or not. Certain areas in and around Russia do.It is more expensive though.  I THINK Guatemala does, Haiti maybe, Ethiopia yes. I know China and S.Korea do not. I hope this helps.

  6. Neither is really "easier", depending on your definition of the word.

    There are simply more young children available for adoption in many countries and the process is a bit more predictable, but is just as complicated and paperwork filled, if not more so.

  7. Many will say it's easier and sometimes less expensive to do an overseas adoption.

    However, I feel that it's important that babies and children in our country have good homes before those in other countries. They are in just as much need as any other child when it comes to love, a good home, happiness and a bright future. Call me an isolationist, but isn't it amazing how the U.S. manages to take care of everyone else, but our own citizens go to bed cold and hungry at night?

  8. Why not let the kids find you somehow.

  9. From foreign country.

  10. You are the perfect cadidate to call you local health and human services!  These kids are already free for adoption and it's free~

  11. Adoption isn't an easy process - either within the US or internationally, however, I believe many people choose international adoption for personal preference.

    First, the US does not make it financially feasible to adopt.  You can spend thousands of dollars and at the end of the process, the bio-parents can change their mind and you have nothing and there are no refunds with adoption.  Because international adoption almost "guarantees" a child, many people choose to go that route.

    Also, I believe people choose international adoption because they do not have to fear that the bio-parents will try to stop the adoption, or change their mind later, or try to find the child before they are 18.  

    Because you mentioned that you are interested in adopting siblings and possibly "older" children, I would highly suggest talking to your local foster care office.  They have a very difficult time placing siblings and prefer to keep them together.  Financially, the state will help with many of the costs associated with foster adopt programs, so that may be of interest to you as well.

    Good luck to you.  Adoption may not be an easy process, but it is worth it.  It's wonderful!

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