What's the story with your child's b-mom. I keep seeing people post about All these women coarsed into placing thier children because they were single and broke and just merely lack the support.
Well In our case his B-mom was an 18 year old with 1 child. She drank, Smoked weed, took RX drugs had a few STDs and knew because of all of that, he'd probably be sick (which he was). So to all of those anit-adoption people. Do you really thing she should have parented him? She didn't think so. She continplated abortion. I didn't seek her We met by chance and she saw a way to give him a chance at life.
Really how many of your childrens b-parents were unstanding people who just felt like they couldn't aford it, even with all of the governemt assistance out there?Medicaid, Food stamps, Wic, AFDC, and numerous churches who are willing to help out mothers who consider abortion are just a few.