
For adults who have never taken Tae Kwon Do, do they also start at white belt no matter of age?

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For a young adult who has never taken Tae Kwon do and whats to start, do they start off at white belt with all the younger kids? or is there an age group for every belt




  1. All beginners actually start as a no-belt. The white belt is pure, non tainted and only used to close your gi top. Every school differs on separating classes but I would definitely recommend an all adult program / class since children's classes at most Tae Kwon Do schools are more recreation than actual training.

    On a side note if you are concerned with belt rankings I would recommend that you reassess your reasons for wanting to train. A black belt is nothing but a cloth around your hips. It has little to do with real martial arts training and is just a stepping stone on the path to personal mastery.

  2. Yes, no matter what age - you start off as a white belt

  3. Make shure there's a beginning adult class.

  4. Yes everyone starts at white belt then they advance through training. Usually they seperate young kids but teenagers usually aged 13 or 14 and older are grouped with adults that's how we do it. I have a sixteen-year old in my class and the age range can include up to older adults.

    Also white belts are in the same class as older belts however if iit's a  good school and a good instructor he won't have the older belts make contact with the younger ones (black against white) We spar but we don't make contact with each other just to practice self defense.  

  5. you start off as a white belt in any style, but in mine, if you an adult then later, as you get through the purples and browns, you can go up faster than kids

  6. It doesn't matter if you're 2 or 200, you begin at the beginning. You may or may not train with kids at first depending on whether or not your dojang separates the children from the adults.

  7. First time then its white belt, no matter what age

  8. Yes, they start at white belt.  

    But there are usually separate classes for adults and children.  There are also mixed family classes.


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