
For all Boarders and freeskiers: Does this look good?

by Guest33686  |  earlier

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So im getting a new snosuit and i just want to know if it looks sick or not

Pants (they look red but they are actually orange)

and the jacket

alright thanks!!




  1. You'll look like an American flag - but that's OK. I think it is OK to go with a white jacket, but you are smart to stay away from white pants - they are a mess after one season. What about gray pants?

    Good Luck

  2. Looks kinda whack.

    I usually match my pants/jacket.

  3. love the pants but it clashes with the blue in the jacket, might i suggest a white jacket with something on it for example this burton jacket

  4. agg tastic basically that means you would look like a straight thug... as long as your skills match the thugness of the jacket and the pants its quite alright... go with what ya feel haha

  5. looks ok, but i dont really like the jacket. the burton one that the other answerer suggested looks nicer and is a better match...

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