
For all askers of Space and Astronomical questions. ?

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Doesn't it REALLY annoy you when you get random religious people saying the answer is 'god' ?

Questions about the big bang suffer mostly.

If non-believers go into the R&S section and just say its a load of bull, wed get reported.

And anyway, i'm sure theres some thing about freewill, allowing us to think for ourselves?

HAHAHAHA. They are going against their religion. HYPOCRITES.

(Sorry, done ranting now, so how are my fellow A&S questioners?)




  1. YES! I hate it when people say "Oh u dummys god did it not dah big bang geez u all gonna go to h**l so die", and they do often when someone asks a question about the Big Bang... or evolution. Those people are ignorant. The A&S is turning into the new R&S! Seriously, more and more people are saying things like "How long did it take God to create the universe?" And so we say that it was created by the big bang... they usually get all mad and flustered... but prayer soothes their little boo boo. They actually have someone that will listen to them! Sorry, I couldn't help myself on that one!

    I asked ONE question in R&S. I said "Why do people deny the Big Bang when there is an overwhelming amount of evidence and say God did it?" In the details I said that there was virtually no evidence of God, and then some ignorant moron reported me! And my question got deleted! Does this violate the community guidelines? NO! I even appealed it, and they said "Yes, your question did, indeed, violate the community guidelines. Please read them again" One of two things happened: 1. They didn't even look at my question. 2. They were just as ignorant as the person that reported it.

    "God" makes most people that believe in him ignorant. Denying evolution or the big bang is like saying the world is flat. You do have people that believe in God, but also don't disregard science. I have nothing against these people. I do not like people that call me an idiot because I think the big bang started the universe. Doesn't it seem strange that people that believe in something in which there isn't a shred of evidence to support it, are criticizing me for believing in an event in which there is an enormous heap of scientific evidence.

    Poor big bang.... so misunderstood. It really is. People think that this is the big bang theory:

    Something happened and then there was a huge explosion and it was all fiery and noisy and loud and then like right after it the Earth was created right after it happened and the universe is like 500 gazillion years old. (Hey, guess what? "Gazillion" is a word! Seriously, my spell check didn't mark it wrong!)

    That understanding is COMPLETELY WRONG!!! First of all, the Big bang was about 13.7 billion years ago. But any figure between 10 billion and 15 billion years is acceptable. The Earth was created about 8 billion years later.

    And saying that the world was created magically after the big bang... doesn't that sound a lot like creationism? I think so.

    I'm tired of them... hopefully they will come to their senses... but who knows?

    The problem I have most is that people don't even *understand* the theories, yet they criticize them.

    I agree with you.... poor little big bang.... evolution suffers too.

  2. Actually I do answer questions in R&S.

    But strangely my answers are never as antagonist as some of the R&S regulars (atheists).

    So no - it doesn't annoy me - I expect it.

    What does annoy me is that people seem to think that religion and science are mutually exclusive.

    As has already been mentioned many astronomers are/were religious.

    Check this out:


    My personal favorite is always Darwin - because that just annoys Creationists so much...

  3. Many famous scientists were religious.  Edmund Halley, Isaac Newton and Michael Faraday just to name a few.  They were criticized from both sides from time to time but remained true to their personal beliefs.  Maybe that is a characteristic of greatness.

    I try to answer sensible criticism and ignore the troll-type criticisms.

  4. It doesn't annoy me at all when people refer to religion or God in this section unless it is simply due to the quality of the answer.  It is just them expressing their beliefs.  What annoys me is the disrespect that goes back and forth between believers and non-believers.  I don't understand why everyone just can't keep an open mind about each of them.  No one has all the answers and it is just plain ignorant either way to insist you are right about either one of these ideas.  Just kindly debate and show some respect in the process.

  5. It doesn't annoy me as much as people who discount God out right and call anyone who disagrees with them an idiot.

    In the realm of infinite possibilities, one of those possibilities must be that  there must be that God exists. Attempting to prove or disprove the existence of God is a debate as old as humanity.

    If someone is happy with the explanation, 'God created the universe', ok, good for them. I personally believe that the universe was created for us to explore. It would be beyond arrogant to believe we have all the answers. Both sides of this argument cross that line when they claim with absolute certitude to be correct.

    Ultimately, the only way we will find out about God is when we die (maybe).

  6. Justask2 has exactly the same opinion as I do. I get equally incensed by reading a snotty, holier-than-thou response from both the religious and atheist points of view. Actually, I think I get a little more annoyed by the athiest being snotty and closed-minded, since those who claim to adhere to science, which dictates that you base your case on facts, are stating a position not based in fact.

    The truth is, we don't really know if we're observing a cosmic accident, or else the inner workings of a device created by some higher power - they're both beyond the realms of our ability to detect with science right now. The two sides are basically arguing from two completely seperate realms - science is basically concerned with 'how' while religion is basically concerned with 'why.' The details of 'what' are basically out there, and the conclusions we draw from them are completely different based upon which of the two questions you're trying to answer.

    But besides that, I'm even more annoyed by the neverending deluge of questions about 2012, UFO abductions, and by Apollo hoax theorists.

    I tend just to roll my eyes if an answer to "why do Quasars put out so much energy" is of the form "because Jesus loves you."

    Oh, and part 2: Fine, thanks. You? :)

  7. Touche and well spoken.

    Have you ever been to the Religion category? OMG! For people of God, I have never in my life seen such hatred and discrimination towards others. This group hates that group and the other group hates another's endless hostility in a section where one would anticipate nothing but peace and love. lol.

    I used to get bothered wondering what the h**l they were doing in Astronomy and Space. Now, I realize that they just want to get away for some fresh air and a dose of reality before heading back into the mosh pit for more.

    Heaven is going to be one big ****** gang fight the way I see it.

    Here's a good one to throw in when you get frustrated....

  8. Yes.  Especially when I'm asking what kind of telescope I should buy.

  9. I make trouble in Religion & Spirituality category myself once in a while to even up the score, sure i know that it is the wrong thing to do but sometime i just can't help asking questions like "When God comes back to Earth in his spaceship to take you away, will you be ready?" is suppose i'm just making the problem worse but there is such sweet bliss that comes from tormenting them.

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