
For all car experts?

by Guest44955  |  earlier

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Why are cars designed to go 100mph or faster if people are not allowed to travel that fast on the street. I think less lives would be taken and less tickets would be given if mph limits were decreased from the vendor instead of listing such high expected mph on the dash boards. Some people like to call bluffs. Even though its dangerous why allow the cars to go so fast. Older people used to ride 15 to 20mph because they couldn't go any faster now new generation cars roll on the highway. I drive a 2006 Toyota that goes 140mph. My highest speed driven was 80mph on the highway only to keep from being ran over by the cars behind me. I was afraid to slow down but I could have driven up to 140 maybe because my dash says its possible. Why should the vendors not be held responsible for the speed limit allowed on cars?




  1. isee your point totally. it's the same as "why do bars have parking lots if it's illegal to drive while drinking."

  2. First, junior, just because the speedometer says 140 doesn't mean the car will do it. I have yet to see 140 in my Neon, but by God the speedometer goes that high. Maybe if someone drops it out of a cargo plane it will reach 140 before it hits the ground. Second, you have a good point, if the maximum speed in the entire country is no greater than 70, why have cars that can go faster? Some cars do have limiters that cut the ignition at a preset speed to protect you from yourself, but it is close to 100 mph. Rental cars often have tracking devices that tell the rental company if you were speeding, and you will get a nasty surprise on your credit card when you return the car. There are now black boxes in some new cars that record speed and other data, so that in the event of a wreck, the insurance company will have data concerning your speed. If you were going too fast, it is possible that your insurance company will not cover you because you were breaking the law when you crashed, whether it was your fault or not. This is all big-brother kind of stuff that many people think is a total invasion of constitutional rights. You need to do your research and come to your own decision on it.

  3. a lot of people like to brag! thats why they show a speed it could be reached. but what a lot of automobile comanies dont't tell you is a lot have govenors on then to limit the speeds.

  4. In Germany, on the Autobahn, there are stretches of road that have no speed limit.

    I guarantee your truck will not get up to 140. Just because the dash says it will doesn't mean it actually will. Either there is a governor, or the wind resistance won't let your truck get that fast. My car says 140 on the dash, but is governed to 118.

    It is not the dealerships who should be held accountable. It is the drivers on the streets. However, instead of cops focusing on people driving 10-20 MPH over the limit, focus on the people driving while eating, and on cellphones. The people who aren't paying attention while driving a 3000+ lb steel vehicle on the road. Speeding doesn't always mean reckless driving, and you can drive recklessly at low speeds.

  5. For the same reason that guns can fire bullets.  We can't sue gun manufacturers when someone is shot, because it is the action of the operator that is in violation of the law.  We live in a society where personal freedom reigns and if you want a vehicle that is capable of speeds in excess of 80 mph, then it's your right to own that vehicle.  Suppose you enjoy track racing your street legal car?  On the track, you'd want all the performance you're capable of getting out of that car, but on the street, you'd be limited by a governor.  

    Personal freedom is guaranteed in the laws of our country.  "The pursuit of happiness" ring a bell?  We can make ourselves happy in many ways, but if we break a law, we are subject to prosecution under those laws.
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