
For all mothers who found out the genders of there babies?

by  |  earlier

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So now that I am officially 15 weeks of today 175 more days to go I might add... Half way there woohoo I was wondering if I can find out the gender. I know tons of people who found out at 20 weeks but do you think there is a chance they could tell some of the genders..I mean there are six!

But anyways this is to all the mothers out there who don't mind sharing when they found out the gender of there little ones.

I personally didn't find out for my girls but this time I think I should. Only to prepare more.




  1. With my first two, at about 17 weeks, I really wanted to find out their sexes but the tech said there legs were crossed and couldn't tell

    ( they turned out to be girls )

    With this pregnancy, at 17 1/2 weeks, I find out we were having a boy. Good luck to you!!!

  2. I think that there is a chance you can find out. If I am not mistaken you have very regular US to check on the babies since you are considered high risk. I found out around 20-22 weeks with my daughter and my youngest son. They can tell pretty much 100% with boys, and be reasonably sure with girls. My US tech gave me a 96% chance that I was having a girl and I did. She gave me a 100% chance on 2 different US that I was having a boy, and I did. They even got the weight within a few ounces the week b4 I delivered

  3. I had to wait until 23 weeks (had a German doc and he wouldn't tell me! LOL, so I went to a place that specializes in ultrasounds).  It was plain as day...a lil p***s.

    I went shopping that day for a couple of blue outfits.  It was great.

    I'm not a fan of neutral colors (green, yellow), so I wanted to find out.

  4. I found out at 19 weeks, I have heard you can find as early as 16 weeks.  

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