
For all mothers with twins or have children close in age?

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My family has ALOT of twins. Some are identical and some are fraternal, but my twins (that are fraternal) go to a day care 3 times a week, it is basically like a preschool becasue every 4 months they move your child moves up into a higher level. My brother and my cousins twins go there and they do fine the play with other kids and everything. As for my twins they never leave each others side, and they want to basically hold back my twins because they are too shy and don't interact with anyone but each other! They are 3 years old. And this happens all the time! I mean we can be at birthday parties with kids they know and everything but like if Bianca doesn't want to go into the pool and Hannah does, Hannah will stay out with her! I put them in dance classes if Hannah doesn't want to do something Bianca wont do it either! I heard this is common for twins but how do I grow them out of it, I want them to be independent! We have tried splitting them up into different classes but they cry for each other!

So anyone who has any adivce please answer I need help!






  1. I would find a way to separate them like in a dance class or something. Put one in a dance class and one in an art class. This way they will get used to being a part. As for preschool, this is quite common. I would try putting them in more group events, and like for anything where they might need a partner, force them to pick someone they do not know. It will be hard at first but they will get used to it

  2. I'm a mom of twin girls too, fraternal.

    I already have decided that I am going to separate them as soon as possible for school.

    If they cry for one another then it's a sure sign that they are too dependent on one another.  They'll get over it soon enough.  I think it's time to split them up for their own good.  They may cry for one another for a few days but they'll stop and it will be good for them.

    Good luck!  I'm sure it's really hard!

  3. Your twins are still very young.  Forcing separation before they are ready can sometimes make things even worse.  Keep in mind that most twins find their individuality naturally over time.  Personally, I feel twinship is unique and should be treated as such.  Check out this site to hear what some parents are saying about separation of twins in school.

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