
For all my bisexuals....?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys, Do you remeber your first same s*x experience/relationship?

if so, how was it?(stories appreciated :])

*im 18 and bi- i came out a few months ago-and i have never had a girlfriend or any type of L*****n experience (ie. kissing, touching, dating, asking out...)(close though lol) and i think im ready to start persuing girls more aggresivly so i just wanted to hear about your experiences! THXXX.;]




  1. My first experience with another girl was actually when I was about six. Me and this girl Mandy would make out in this abandoned lot in my neighborhood. She always tasted like this strawberry candy she used to eat. So I still think of her when I taste strawberry.

  2. nope i've never been any relationship...its sucks really  

  3. I'm 13 and found out I was bi when I was 12. All but one of my same s*x experiences happened before I knew i liked girls though which is kinda weird (and i dnt exactly wanna talk about all of them but i'll talk about the one). I mean I may seem really young but love is the same for everyone no matter how old you are and the first time I fell for a girl it broke my heart. Were best friends and she's straight. I loved her to death but i just couldn't have her. She accepted the fact that I liked her but we got in a lot of fights because of it. I don't like her anymore but I still love her like a sister and we're still friends today. I accept the fact that im bi but it's still hard cuz i just found out 6 months ago. I dont completely understand it yet so im havin a rough time right now. Just kinda hopin things will start lookin up.

  4. my first same s*x experince? i was 16. it was unbelievably awesome. lol no stroy though, ive got trolls after me and im not trying to get reported anytime soon young missy lol. i came out two weeks after my 18 bday.ive had experience with members from both sexes. they were both long term relationships. i loved them both so much. they are still my best friends.

    just go out there and let it be known youre bi, single, and

  5. My only real experience so far has been spending the night with a girl and cuddling all night long. We didnt kiss or anything! But is was great to sleep in her arms all night long, I felt safe and loved. She is my friend now but i dont think we'd date.

  6. I go out with a guy LMAO... and I'm still in early teens.

    My experience: We kissed, stroked each other, cuddled, told each other how much we loved each other... It's just the same as you expect another relationship.

    If anyone calls you greedy, tell them they're too vain. :P

  7. get drunk with your best friend... you know.. the freaky one LOL.

  8. well.... i knew i was bi and i didnt have any experience either but now i have, well plenty of experience. lol. umm my first experience was in my backyard. it wasnt a dare but i wanted to makeout with this other guy and then he was like 'im g*y' and i was like shitt. and then my friend christina was like ill make out with you. and yeeah. and now im in love with this girl. trust me youll love being with girls cause they just have something that guys dont. the way they walk, talk, flirt, its all different. youll have fun. good luckk! =]

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