
For all of my life my grandparents have been divorced. And now they're dating!!!eww! Is it wrong for me..?

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to not like the situation at all. My grandpa lives with me and obviously it is selfish and childish to want him all to myself but I love him so I don't care. My grandma did a lot of things to ruin his reputation when they got divorced. she divorced him. my grandpa is a good man a did not deserve this and if my grandma did it once wouldn't she do it again. Also when people get 2nd chances usually it doesn't work out. I grandpa wants me to support him but i hate even the idea of it.




  1. Sorry Pinky you are wrong, he is an adult but if he didn't learn his lesson the first time...

    He probably feels lonely, so I take him out and send one on one time. Do something you'll both enjoy. If you happen to take a location were their are people his age and he find a new friend let it be (HINT). No matter what he will always be your grandpa and I could tell you love me, but let him be happy.  

  2. It doesn't matter if you like the situation or not.   They are both adults, and get to make the decision of who to date without your input.

    I think you need to ask yourself this:  Are you upset because he is dating your grandmother, who you know hurt him or treated him badly in the past?  Or are you just upset that he is dating at all?

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