
For all of who have read the book Breaking Dawn!!!!!?

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ok for all of u who have read the twilight series by stephenie meyer.

so tell me what u think of breaking dawn and why

for those who like it-why? give me details and what ur favorite part was!

for those who did not like it-why? give me details and tell me what u did no like!

and those love hate people- what did u like and what did u not like?

please be very thorough and as detailed as possible! i need answers!





  1. love/hate

    love it because of the adventure, of the end of the series, of bella becoming the gorgeous swan that she was meant to be.

    hate it because, after renesme's born, bella acts like edward doesnt even matter. and as a consequence of the story being in bella's perspective (2/3's of it), edward seems to lack his amazingly awesome personality.

    oh and because alice isnt in the story enough.

    and another thing, because there wasn't a showdown between the volturi and the other covens... that was lame. zafrina would have owned, bella would have sheilded, and all would be well.

    even though it looks like i hate it more than i love it, i actually really did like the book.

  2. I LOVED it. It was just so exciting. Everything I'd been waiting for to happen--basically since the first book--happened. My fave parts were:

    -Bella becoming a vampire

    -Bella and Edward getting married

    -Bella finding out she was preggers

    ... and pretty much the rest of the book. I hope they come out with something about her daughter and Jacob. That would be awesome. That's probably the only thing I didn't like. Not knowing what was going to happen between Jacob and Bella's daughter. :)  

  3. I enjoyed the part about Bella and Edward's honeymoon, I thought it was funny when Bella tried to bribe Edward to make love to her by promising to go to college.  And the part about her pregnancy was quite exciting, I enjoyed the way Jacob and Edward became allies for a while, and the birth and her transformation into a vampire was very dramatic.

    However, I frankly didn't care much for Jacob imprinting on Nessie, I mean i fin dthe whole business of adult werewolves imprinting on babies a bit odd to say the least of it, plus her being Bella's daughter - well really it is all bit peculiar, isn't it?

    And once Bella becomes a vampire she is much less interesting, the things that made her endearing, her clumsiness etc, just disappear and she is just another rather boringly perfect vampire (frankly I find Edward a bit uninteresting for this reason, perfection is boring).

    And the ending is a huge let-down, I was expecting some great exciting battle and some deaths etc, and it all just fizzled out into a rather improbably cosy ending with everybody happy.  No drama, no pain, no death, nothing.  It was all too tame and easy.

  4. I love the book, the ending lacked something, though. it was all FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for a while, and the volturi just walk away, and flaunt authority???


    loved jacobs part, though.

  5. I though it was ok

    Everything I wanted happened, except the battle

    The battle was waiting to happen since New Moon, ever since the volturri got involved.

    And I really didn't like how everyone CHANGED

    Edward and Jacob become bff's! and "brothers"

    Rosalie and Bella are joined at the hip

    Alice just kerplodes!

    Edward is just totally different

    He's almost never in the book, and he's not his aggressive, overprotective vampire self that had all us fan girls squealing with joy.

    He's a s*x addict, and there's no daddy-daughter relationship with him and Rennesme, and he's just lost his appeal!

    And Bella gets her way.

    -has s*x, gets turned, get married, lives happily ever after


    I was honestly hoping for her to be like

    'BLEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOD' and turning pyshco vampire.

    Well, not really, but a tad more action and violence would satisfy me.

  6. It wasn't my favourite in the series but I still loved it.

    My favourite part was when Bella opened her mind up to Edward at the end!!!

    I liked it because it was a happy ending still with interesting and entertaining.  

  7. it sucked. jacob and nessie was revolting, bella was super cocky and vain, everything worked out too perfectly for her, all the characters got really annoying, and bella and edward became horny s*x demons. it was so bad i had to stop three quarters of the way through for fear of vomiting on my computer.

  8. I loved it because, of all the adventure in it. My fave parts where when Edward and Bella were finally together and the ending :D

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