
For all parents out there,please answer this

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do you agree that your daughter or son has his?her girlfriend while still studying?do you think it can affect their studies?

if you agree or not please say the reason.....

i need you opinion (please answer seriously)




  1. this should be situation-based.

  2. Girlfriend or boyfriend doesn't affect studies. Crossing the street in the morning affects it more.

  3. if ur asking will ur childs grades go down  bc they are studying with there bf / gf  then it depends on the kid bc  when i got with my boyfriend  i was gettin b's and c's and since he has started to help me study i get a's  nd maybe  a couple  b's  

    but i kno other ppl who start failing classes the second they get a bf/gf  

  4. this doesnt make any sense.

  5. No it will not affect your son/daughters studies.Students cant study 24 hours a day...their minds need rest anyway so spending time with a boyfriend/girlfriend can reduce stress.They could also give each other support for exams etc.A person with a boyfriend/girlfriend will,in general feel happier,more confident and better about themselve.They will therefore have self esteem which will push them to study hard...they can motivate themselves to go to school study hard and work for a secure job that would support a family(with the current partner in mind).If you are a parent and u forbid dating while studying please take note that (1)You are interfering with your childs future...what if you forbid your son to go out with a girl he really likes when they could have actually ended up marrying each other 10 years down the line(2)You are making your child feel lonely and depriving them of confidence and self esteem(3)They may feel like they are being treated like a 5 year old and may rebel which is even worse because they may drop out of school altogether.Why must you make decisions for your teen? what are you trying to protect them from at this stage?.Fair enough when they were young you could teach them right and wrong etc but you cant do that anymore.If you want a teenager to be independent you have to give them independence and if they make mistakes then they'll just have to learn from them won't they.I'll put it to you this way:if you tell a child"don't touch the candle,dont touch the candle"they might listen to you but they dont know why they cant touch the candle.But if the child goes off on his own and touches it and gets burnt he wont touch it again because he has learnt from his own mistake not from a decision made by someone else.Having a partner will not do any harm it will make your teen happier and feel better about themselves but you asked this question when in actual fact it is not your choice.It is your son/daughters choice and if you dont like it tough and if it was a mistake so what.People learn from their mistakes so how do you expect people to learn if you don,t let them make mistakes in the first place?

  6. While studing with my boyfriend its usually a lot of talking. Some kisisng. And lots of making out....

    I go home and study.

    I get A if I study again if I don't I get a C.

  7. I think something is affecting your studies this question doesn't make any sense.

  8. i know if i had my boyfriend over to study,, i wouldn't really do any studying XD lol so no i don't think its a smart idea because i DOUBT they would really study lol =P

    im a 13 year old girl btw

  9. As a parent, I don't see a problem with kids studying together, depending on the situation.

    If they're studying with a parent supervising, I see nothing happening. If they're at the kitchen/dining room table or in the living room, then the parent can control the situation.

    If they're studying in a separate room, like a bedroom, I would say no to this situation. I wouldn't be able to see what's going on. It doesn't matter what their ages are. Left alone in a bedroom, all kinds of horrors go through a parents mind. We would continuously question ourselves about what's going on.

    I guess it would depend on the parenting skills as well. Some parents could care less what their child does and where they do it. I, on the other hand, want to make sure that studying would be the only thing going on. It's not a control issue for's a safety issue. I would want to make sure both kids aren't doing things they shouldn't be doing. I don't need their boyfriend/girlfriend going back and saying I allowed them to have s*x when they said they were studying. Can you imagine how angry their parent would be against me?

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