
For all resturant owners....?

by  |  earlier

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If a customer orders a glass of wine. And she said: "just by the scent from the wine, I know it's a cheap wine, I don't want it." What will you do?




  1. Take it away, go and get an unopened bottle of the wine that  she ordered , show her the label  and say "Is this the wine that you ordered mam"?, open the bottle in front of her and pour the wine into a fresh chilled (if white wine) glass. If she still has issues with it then she clearly knows   little or nothing about wine. , get the wine list again and offer to suggest  a couple of wines.

  2. I remove it from the table and offer her another choice.  I don't make anyone pay for anything they don't like if they tell me right away.  I always try to make it right.

  3. splash her with it and scream.

  4. Ahhh, those kind of people.  I'd remove it, and ask if I could get another wine to her liking, and suggest a few.  When she was happy, I'd drink the wine behind the bar instead of letting it go to waste.  Some people don't even realize what they're ordering.  Like a woman who wanted a red, and when I asked what kind, she said chardonnay.  *head thunk*

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