
For all serious evolutionists and those against Intelligent Design...?

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--for all serious evolutionists and those against Intelligent Design, would it not make logical sense in your belief system and scientific knowledge, to ignore global warming, because, if humans as a species and individuals are (even partially) responsible for it, isn't global warming just the next step in our evolution and part of the survival of the fittest? If species become extinct or glaciers melt or the sea level rises due to climate changes all over the earth, due to our actions, are we just not advancing as we have done for millions of years, and this may be a vital element of our next evolutionary change?




  1. That's about as dumb as saying "hey guys! if we boil the seas and and all the sealife dies/cooks, isn't that just part of evolution?"

    Evolution is when species adapt to an environment, not when one species f*cks it up for everyone else and causes others to die.  

    Also - "isn't global warming just the next step in our evolution" - learn what evolution is.  This is not it.

  2. If global warming really did cause some kind of extinction, then something has to take the place of the species that went extinct, therefore, evolution and natural selection will allow the more tolerant species to continue to thrive while using the resources the extinct species used to use.  If anything, any extinctions these days is caused by direct loss of habitat for the species, not a couple degrees (F) increase.  Our presence is what is causing an extinction.  We are taking up a larger and larger portion of the resources/land, which is causing the populations of other species to decrease, which decreases the variability of their genes, and increases that species chances of extinction.

  3. i see two points, and no connection between the two.  I dont even know what to argue with you about, are you claiming that god is making us drive huge suv's that spew out co2 to warm the climate?   Is a hummer the vehicle that jesus would drive?

  4. No.

    Our evolutionary change for the better is inhibited by health care and the survival of stupid people and their continued having of children.

    Global warming may, indeed, kill off a lot of people but not in numbers significant to the evolutionary process.

  5. I doubt warming will continue - the 'normal' for Earth may be the Ice Ages?

    The only 'evolutionary change' which might be important would come at the Quantum Levels.

    You might thoroughly enjoy these web pages = A great deal of what we believe is not true!

    The Origin of Life and The Suppression of Truth:

    A Romp through the Quantum Field - Bruce Lipton

    Author of "The Biology of Belief"

  6. Global warming is slow, but it's FAR faster than evolution.  And, it only makes sense to avoid economic disaster.

    So, it makes no sense at all to ignore it.

    By the way I don't oppose the philoosophical idea that we're a result of an intelligent design.  I just think that, if we are, it began 13 billion years ago, and evolution is a part of it.  That's actually far more elegant and impressive than the "one week, 6000 years ago" nonsense.

  7. From that perspective no, absolutely not. Because if global warming leads to mass extinction, we lose the only access we have in the known universe to study life. We get much of our technology from studying plant and animal life and to lose it would be a human catastrophe, unless you have 50,000,000 years or so to wait for new things to evolve. Humans won't even exist by then.

  8. Evolution doesn't change species quite fast enough for us to develop gills and thrive under 80 feet of water by the next century ;-)

    OK, I know that's not what AGW is going to cause, but I figured your question deserved a silly response.

    Our species wants to continue to survive and thrive. So anything, even our own foolish actions, that might hurt that process should naturally be resisted.

  9. If wishes were fishes I'd fry me a few.  Hmmm.  "serious evolutionists" don't use the term "survival of the fittest" so you have me there.  Extinction the next step in our progress?  Many would agree.

  10. you're not up on evolution.

    a single individual has a DNA change.

    then all of that individual's descendent's wipe out all of the rest of the species from which they came.

    and as we're not likely to go willingly, whatever remnants there well live in stone age conditions forever, until they all eventually die out.

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