
For all serious scholars, I need advice on this ridiculously hard semester?

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I have the following classes

-AP biology

-Algebra II honors

-Advanced Math I

-AP English III

I'm really worried about it, and I was hoping someone could give me some advice on something that could help me multitask better or cope with the amounts of work, especially not being a math person?

I need the most help regarding math, thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer!!




  1. First, understand your 'peak' hours. meaning, are you most comfortable studying during evening, early morning or mid afternoon? this will help your mind digest better whatever you are studying.

    secondly, in what atmosphere do you feel more focus - studying alone in a quiet room, with music on, or with someone (group study perhaps).

    third, multi-tasking isn't for everyone especially if focus is needed on a critical subject which you find yourself in sort of difficulty/trouble.Take time to read more on the subject you find don't have to understand it the first time. repetitive readings will help you get those formulas and words much better.

  2. If you get stuck on something, go to the teacher right away instead of trying to figure it out on your own, make friends in the classes you have the most trouble with and have them check your work, read the book (sometimes the book explains things better than the teacher can).

    Also, don't worry about perfection, worry about understanding the topic. Getting a 'B' or 'C' is ok, especially with the AP classes.

    Good luck :)

  3. don't multitask. when multitasking, you don't learn a thing. you only do the task. but you must not multitask. if you are serious about school, don't listen to music while doing homework, don't play video games...period. basically anything that takes your attention away from school will not be good. the best way to do is to sleep well. say you usually get up at 6, you should be in bed trying to sleep by 10.

    also, don't forget murphy's laws of academics:

    1) every teacher thinks you only have to study for that subject only.

    2) the odds of your computer crashing are equally proportionate to how important the document is you are working on.

    3) Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way.

    4) if a number of things that could have gone wrong have not gone wrong, it would have been ultimately beneficial if they would have gone wrong.

    5) if all things possible have gone wrong, yet someone is happy, he has thought of someone to blame.

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