
For all the Big Brother fans.?

by  |  earlier

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When they are kicked out do they have to stay in the jury house until the game is over and what happens there?




  1. yes, they stay in the Jury house until the season finale when they go on the show to decide the winner.

  2. Not all of the evicted guests go to the jury house ( I think its the last 10 ) But yes,,,,they do stay there and things are not much different< No TV ,,no radio ,,,no contact with the outside world >

    What happens there < I guess they do alot of talking and game playing> but they don't get to see whats going on in the Big Brother House ( too bad ) that would make choosing much easier .

    Think of how much fun April & Ollie are having> without his religious family looking on :-)

  3. no

  4. That  is where They get their heads together on the possible winner might be.

  5. It is a yes & no answer.  After Jessie was evicted the next one that was evicted went to the jury house---April.  So after that all they jury is sequestered before that they get to go home & come back for the finale.

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