
For all the Dutch!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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which is the situation of the coffeeshops in amsterdam from 1 july?can you give me all the information that you know, please....thanks and sorry for my horrible english, but I'm an italian girl....bye bye and thanks....




  1. You cant smoke tobacco (cigars, cigs, and pipe....) anymore in the cafe's and restaurants.....if you do it you get a fine

    BUT.....if you are in a coffeeshop and smoke pure canabis, no's legal......

    Isn't that wierd!

  2. The official situation is that from 01/Jul the smoking (of tobacco) ban in public places has now been extended to also cover bars, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops etc

    As a result, if you wish to smoke marijuana mixed with tobacco in a coffeeshop then legally (at least for the tobacco side of it), you have to do this in a specially created area (partioned away from both public and staff members).  

    Given the size of many establishments this is not viable (to build this space), so actually if you wish to smoke marijuana then it can only be smoked without tobacco included (or alternatives are sometimes offered as per the below report

    Some coffeeshop owners are talking about "looking the other way" but the number of inspectors have been increased from 40 to 200 for this, and of course a lot of media interest is in Amsterdam, so it would not surprise me if the bulk of inspectors are located in and around Amsterdam

    I guess we have to see what will be the "actual" outcome in the forthcoming weeks

  3. Many people think that the law allows use of drugs particularly marijuana, in these cafes legally, in fact this is not so, the law tolerates it, it does not , and has never made it legal, what will happen in the future is a crackdown on these places, based on the behaviour of the users, if they are causing residents, a nuisance, or endangering the public, by mislaying needles, or "paraphinalia", (equipment),  like "hookas", they will be closed, and prosecuted, as will clients of these, the Dutch, themselves, feel the liberal attitude has gone to far, so if you use, pick a clean safe, environment, or cafe, and leave it that way, or you will lose this chance altogether,............

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