
For all the adults out there...?

by Guest65577  |  earlier

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how do you feel about teenage peer pressure now and days




  1. BADLY

  2. Teens need to do Yoga. ;)))

  3. I think peer pressure is getting worse for each generation. It's scarey to think about how it will be by time my kids are teenagers!

  4. I don't think its really any worse than the previous generation it's just that people are a lot more open about certain subjects the last generation weren't so exposed to so the peer pressure is leading teenagers into different situations than before and thats causing panic.

    In reality though the situation is no different to previous generations s*x and drugs have been around for a h**l of a long time.

  5. I'm absolutely shocked at the peer pressure teens face these days.  Teens just need to be teens - hang out, go to the movies, etc.!  There is no reason high schoolers should be having s*x yet, or doing any sexual acts for that matter.  They just need to enjoy their lives for a while - no need to complicate things so young!  

  6. the majority of teens pressure others into doing all kinds of things good and bad.

  7. Peer pressure has always been around. It is how you deal with it that matters. I think it's the parents job to help enforce the old saying "Just say no"... many just don't anymore.

  8. I think it is worse now,the kids have a lot more pressures now,glad I'm past that stage

  9. I think it is and always has been there. It depends on the person/teen as to how well they do at resisting the temptations. All three of my children are completely different in how they have reacted to peer pressure.

  10. Very bad !

  11. You should be asking this to teens...

    I'm 15, and I haven't really been sucked into all that. By "Haven't really", I mean I don't do drugs, and bad stuff like that. But I do try to look cool, and if someone says that what I'm wearing, or the way I act is anything but cool, I try to change that.

  12. i dont think its that bad...teehee im a

  13. well im a teen... its horrible im 15 gonna be a junior, already had s*x... e.t.c...

    but ive found that ive learned soo much about drinking and drugs and smoking tha ti wont do them....

    Ive found myself promising to be the designated driver for all my friends..... Ive already seen 3 of my besties die from drunk driving...

  14. I don't think parents are involved enough in thier kids lives and that is why "peer pressure" is such a huge issue now.  No one wants to talk to their kids about s*x, drugs or bad influences because they figure "they just learn it in school."  It's sad really.  

  15. get over it (its life)

  16. Peer pressure always will be there I had a talk the other day with my 13 year old sister about s*x. As far as I know she has not had s*x yet but when she informed me that all her friends were and they mess with her for not I just told her to save herself and not to do it.  

  17. This is not a NEW thing I am 47 and it was a big thing at school when I was kid so I doubt it's changed much if any?Just more modern threats I guess.People just talk about it more these day's.But it's been around since day dot.

  18. REAL BAD

  19. my friends say i should not worry about it.

  20. well bein a teenaqer its qettin pretty bad so uh...qet involved

  21. actually i don't know what to tell but I'm also has a peer that are very demanding and iam affected to the pressure they were throwing me but i just don't want them to go far ,they just do it in your favor to work in ease with pressure.And in enadequate efficincy,patience they want you to build just for you.....

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