
For all the ghost hunters out there, whats the most impressive 'event' you have ever witnessed?

by  |  earlier

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as a paranormal investigator myself, i've only seen an orb with my naked eye, but it was so fast i put it down to 'corner of the eye', but whats yours?




  1. well, as an investigator and a person who lives in a haunted house it would have to be the evp's i recently got while i was asleep.  the recording has voices calling my name and then, in whispers, it says, lets wake her up....just after you can hear me yelling from here to kingdom come saying 'who is this, whoever you are get the f--k outta my, help.....' i didn't remember screaming that night, and when i heard the recording, i was disturbed to say the least.

  2. All the answers will have one thing in common.Nobody rational believes them.

  3. well i am certainly no pi.. but I witnessed a 75 pound box full of iron weights get thrown across my living room.. when I was experimenting with a wigi board.. kinda freaked me out.. but i probably deserved it..

  4. my brothers freind was killed in a car crash one night they were very close almost like brothers . he only lived a few doors away.acouple of weeks after he died my brother was in the garden one night when he got a smell of the aftershave his freind worewhen he looked up he saw his freind from the waist up just floating there.he disapeared in seconds but he was there. after this happended my brother was much more calm and was able to move on.

  5. caught a ghost last night on a digital camera. Im nearly a believer, but i dunno whats stopping me. also, i got stones thrown at me from an empty room!

  6. I was in the cellar of an old London building at about midnight. A door slammed when I got near it. No wind, nobody else in the building.

    Then somebody told me the story of the ghost. There was a freezer store many years back. Somebody got locked in the freezer overnight and didn't survive.

    It was probably coincidence and I must have sent some vibrations through the floor boards that tipped the door closing mechanism.

  7. A full body ghost of a girl that just faded out after about 30 seconds.  Most recently a ghost of our donkey, that died a few months ago, walked across our living room.

  8. Just last husband and I went to my grandparents has been abandoned for about 7 years..No electricity and no water.

    My stepbrother has said earlier that he heard footsteps when ever he stayed there at night..

    Last night we got gray mist-like anomaly's in photos, (only above and to the right of grandma's bed)...we heard footsteps...and after setting up a night vision camera and leaving the house, we captured what we think are orbs about 8 minutes into a 20 minute tape...I think that is an unusually high amount of incidents for one night.

    I loved it, it was very interesting.

    I have had experiences off and on for years...I think some are more in tuned to the paranormal than others...maybe just more open minded to it.

  9. My family are convinced they have a poltergiest and have a whole host of stories they can tell most of which I put down to either my younger brother playing tricks or their over active imaginations (I do not live at home so cannot claim to have seen any of these).

    However there are two events that I have witnessed that I cannot explain at all.

    Both occurred in the same week when my parents and brother were away on holiday and I was house sitting with my girlfreind.

    The first involved the attic door (yes I know it's always the attic, but this is the absolute truth). We had been out and had a few but not too many to have possibly imagined what happened.

    We had gone up to bed and my girlfreind asked what was in the attic as there were stairs on the landing going up to a closed door. I had explained it was just the attic and used mainly for storage but she wanted to have a look as she had heard all about the poltergiest.

    I explained that we couldn't as the door was always locked for security reasons and my parents had the only keys on their keayrings which they had with them in Hong Kong.

    When we got up the next day the attic door was standing open. Needless to say my gf was bricking it. When my parents rang later that day to check things were ok they assured me that the door was locked as usual and had been double checked before they went away.

    The second was that weekend when we had some friends over. This couple had stayed in the spare bedroom which had only one way in or out as most bedrooms do, But also had a huge wardrobe right next to the door.

    In the morning my gf and I were woken to all this shouting and banging. It was our friends who could not get out of the bedroom. The wardrobe had moved lterally half a yard along the wall, blocking the door so that it would not open.

    Eventually me and my gf had to climb through the bedroom window and it took all 4 of us using all of our strength to shift the wardrobe back into place. It was so heavy that our friends could not have possibly moved it on their own as a joke.

    Finally, I said there were two but the other thing about that particular room is our dogs (two boxers) would never go in there. One in particular would just sit at the door and growl.

    Both may have rational explanations but I've yet to discover them.

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