
For all the mothers and TTC's!!!!?

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I am very new at this. My husband and I got married in June and were ready to start a family. I was wondering if there is a website on all the info I should know about Conceiving?

Thank you! ; )




  1. Taking Charge of your Fertility is an excellent book! It will tell you everything you need to know :)  Good Luck!

  2. try these links :


  3. Congrats on your marriage!

    Unless you are aware of any prediagnosed conditions that may make it difficult for you to concieve, sit back and relax (and have s*x of course). Eventually it will happen. Most likely when you least expect it!

    Also, know that it is quite common to "try" for some time with no results. Up to two years is considered reasonable by some specialists. You have some time before you hit that mark, so I wouldn't be worried at all just yet.

    As well, don't forget that if you were using oral contraceptives, having injections, etc... to prevent pregnancy, it can take up to three months or so for your body to adequately adjust and ovulation to once again get back to normal (Even though some women have had just the opposite happen, miss a pill or two and they are on their way to motherhood).

    Again, congrats and good luck!

    Oh, two books I absolutely loved AFTER I was pregnant was

    "What to expect when you are expecting" (Great book, lots of questions answered) and "A Child is born" by Lennart Nielson, (This books photographs were truly AMAZING, and it allows you to see actual photos, not drawings, of babies in utero, from the moment of conception-cells splitting, all the way to through the ninth month)

  4. LOL its a natural act, all you have to do is relax don't obsess over it and s*x of course good luck

    i see the obsessers are down thumbing me  if there's nothing wrong with your fertility there's no need to panic about it a website WILL NOT! get you pregnant neither will stress.

  5. there are TONS of websites to look at.  Google them and read through a bunch.  A lot will have the same info, but you will also find charts and info about conceiving.  Choose one you like.

    Good Luck

    I didn't by any books, I did all my research online, through many sites

  6. Charting your way to fertility i cant member who write its. that will tell you every thing!!

    Ways to get preg faster are:

    -Ovulation tracking like OPK's

    -Prenatal vitamins

    -s*x often

    -elevatingyour hips after intercourse..


    things like this... i learned most off this site!!

    I have been pregnant but I miscarried and now am TTC again. Good luck!

  7. is a good website!!

  8. Taking Charge of your fertility is good. The best advice I got, and easiest to comprehend is count 10 days from the first day of your period and have s*x every other day for the next week. You should hit your ovulation time. Also, ovulation predictor kits are good.

    Keep in mind that it takes a healthy couple on average 1 year to conceive. Try not to get discouraged or stressed. Just enjoy each other and remember that it may not happen right away.

  9. Someone suggested to me the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" it's AMAZING! It comes highly recommended.

  10. is a nice one because it lets you chart for free as well as tracking symptoms and tests.  Good luck!

  11. there are some GREAT resources out there like and  you can register with them for free and they will provide you constant support not only while ttc, but during and after the pregnancy as well.  babyfit will even send you an email almost every day with a different topic.  Good luck!!

  12. Best part of having babies is making them!  Take care of your body and have fun w/your hubby.  Not much to conceiving but pregnancy and parenting there is.  Ignore all the old wives tales, they are never true.

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