
For all the people that say the China gymnastics team being under 16 is no big deal.......?

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If it's no big deal why is there a rule?




  1. Both Yang and Jiang — and their teammate He Kexin — have been at the center of age falsification questions leading up to this Olympics. Some Chinese sports registration lists have shown that those gymnasts may not be old enough to compete at the Games. I do feel IOC did not look into this situation as thoroughly as they should have. Perhaps they did not want to offend the hosting nation. This may be something they will have to set better rules on in the future as far as what can be used as proof of age. Some say they should eliminate the age limit to allow all countries to compete on the same level. I feel this would be detrimental to the sport and athletes.However, I would like to see it lowered to 15 or 14, which is still a safe age and would  level out the competition for all countries participating.   But since IOC accepted their proof of age there is nothing that can be done at this point as far as the 2008 Olympics is concerned..

  2. It's not official yet and until it is made official it shouldn't be blown out of proportion. Team USA probably still would have gotten silver with all the mistakes they had made *cough cough Alicia. So don't just assume they would have gotten gold, arrogant American.

    How about I just start saying Michael Phelps is on steroids because it just seems there is NO WAY he could have beaten other swimmers by over a body length, just like there is NO WAY the gymnasts look 16.

    People make mistakes, even America. Remember Marion Jones? So don't go running around like a punk trying to make China look bad because of your jealousy towards them.

  3. I bet if they lost knowing that they got cheated they would probably cry and run to mommy lol

    idk why but what done is done and we just have to live on with our lives and hope that usa keeps rocking the olympics.

  4. Oh. I heard that US gymnastic committee said the rule is stupid enough. And it has gone to the gymnastic heads a bit.

    Marta and Bela hasn't raise the issue in the Worlds in 2007 and you know what US won by 1 vs China in the team's competition.

    But they made a bad decision in the Olympics and US was second. Distraction of these kinds will hurt the Americans more than the Chinese.  

  5. I don't think people are saying it's no big deal, I think generally people just think that no one can prove whether or not they are under 16 and even if they are, the IOC can't do anything about it.

    If it's not a big deal it's because it's not as if the American's deserved to win with the mistake's that they made.

  6. There is a written rule saying that athletes can be age 15, as long as they turn 16 the same year, otherwise that's against the rules but not sure what the penalty would be.  It seems like the IOC was strongarmed by the politburo or secret police into allowing the falsifying of the chinese team's passports and duping the World into thinking the young looking ones are actually 16+.  

    It's sad to see how communism can truly rear it's ugly face when making their own rules and giving the judges "offers they cannot refuse" in order to have them give chinese athletes favoritism just because they can make people "disappear".....

  7. It is a big deal, and I'm with you.

    These people who are not caring are complete idiots.

    The USA gynastics girls were incredible, even with their few mistakes. They played by the rules, and were penalized heavily by Chinese judges when they stepped outside the rules, such as going out-of-bounds or falling.

    Entering underaged gymnasts is a gross violation of Olympic rules!

    It is not a matter of breaking a simple rule, it is criminal and insulting to all the other competitors!!! China has put a skeazy lying dark cloud over the Olympics since day one with the fake fireworks, lip syncing, and other BS.

    Things like this have started wars!!

  8. They made it a rule to make it an even playground for all!  There are better gymnasts in the US but they did not meet the age rule.  It makes a HUGE difference!  The 15 year old that did not qualify this year, will be 19 during the next Olympics!  If China is using a girl that is younger then she is allowed to be they should be disqualified.  It is as simple as that!  They have already deceived the public with the opening ceremonies and have stated that they will do whatever it takes to be viewed as perfect, so it doesn't surprise me, it just disappoints me!  The olympics are meant for the best, and we should ALL have to follow the same rules so we can compete the same!

  9. Easy.  If your the runner up and made no stupid mistakes and lost because of cheating than you could make a case.  but when you keep making rookie mistakes lot repeatedly going out of bounce during your routines or falling on your back after landing...well than you don't deserve to argue the fact.  If they were truly the better team than they can say something.  Usa gymanst did poorly anyways..

    I would hate to get a medal when i did poorly and the other team lost by cheating.  That's the problem with us americans.  we want everything handed to us.

  10. Hey idiot above me, Michael Phelps was one of 10 athletes that submitted to extensive doping tests so, no, he isn't on steroids. He's just THAT GOOD that he beats everyone by an entire body length. Talk about Americans being jealous.

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