
For all the pet lovers out there, have you also felt sad when your pet died?

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My dear cat died last friday and I feel so sad, is this a normal feeling?I am grieving since she's too young to go-only 4 years old! My friends told me that I must never cry over a dead cat...




  1. omg i know ur feeling....i am so so so sry for your dear cat...i remember when my lil bunny dead i barely had it for a couple of months and died on the 4th of july......i was sooo sad but too embaressed to cry or show my real feelings...i know now that i am so cruel........i regreted it.......i hope you feel better soon..T^T

  2. Some may call me stupid but I think a pet who dies is like having a member of your family die.  It is normal for you to grieve for a while after your pet dies.  There will be things that you will see around your house and think of that will remind you about her for a while yet.  

    I think that if you felt nothing then that would be a problem.  Why don't you do something special to commemorate your cat, have a special flower or plant in the garden for her or just a nice picture of you two in a photo frame somewhere you can see it every day.

    I lost my dog tragically through being attacked and killed by another dog when I was walking her 2 years ago, it was only this morning I again was thinking about her ... it takes time.  Allow yourself time is only normal and part of a very essential process of grieving.

    Take care of yourself.

  3. aww. its ok 2 cry over your cat. When my poodle died i cried for a week.. It will get better tho!  

  4. It's fine to cry when a pet dies. I had a Tabby cat and she also died when she was 4. She died in my room under my desk. My mom had a meeting and I walk in sobbing.

  5. you can cry for your cat! losing an animal can be like loseing a friend, its perfectly normal, when my cat died i cried for like two weeks or when someone brought it up i buried him and bought a little head stone for his grave it said " here lies a great friend"

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