
For all the ppl tht love to camp!! need help A.S.A.P.?

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heey i am having 6 gurls and me over and we are going to a place and are caming for my birthday. does anyone knw of any kewl games and activities tht we could play\do?? or nay kewl ideas in general. :) thnx SOOO much. (btw i need ideas fast the party is in 5 dayss!




  1. take buttermilk buiscuits by pillsberry, the one in the tube and deep fry them in oil, can be done easily on a cap stove. then use powdered sugar and water to make your frosting, then dip in sprinkles. very good, very easy, very fun

  2. if u want to go a lil kiddish u could play hide and seek in the dark or flashlight tag when it gets late..u should bring a deck of cards and candy to use as bets so that way u dotn lose any money and play poker or 21

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