
For all the proud's something for you.?

by  |  earlier

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I know that there are a lot of proud mothers out there who would just love to show off how beautiful their child(ren) are. I know I am one of them. So why not post pics of your babies here, I just had one and I love her to death. Her pic is below. If you don't want to post a pic then please don't say anything negative about those who do. Enjoy showing off your angels.




  1. Isn't he beautiful =]

  2. Awwwww. She is beautiful!

    Here are my Naughty *cough* Angels, that I love very much, even when they test my patience.

    Here are my elder Boys all dressed up in their whites.

    William is on the left, Tobias on the right (he is grumpy, his hair isn't spiked up!! lol!)

    And my newbies

    Chewing on their clothes!!

    Ryan & Cody.

    And there is one more, but due to our adoption fight. I can't show anyone his face, it's way too beautiful!!



    Kjay - Your little man is BEAUTIFUL!!! xxxx

  3. Isn't she gorgeous!! What a beautiful smile!! You must be so proud!! (as i can see you are lol!!)

    My little boy is 10 months old now - goes so fast!!

    yay, i think i worked out how to do it lol!

    Someone let me know if it doesnt work lol!!

  4. Beautiful baby and Mommy!

  5. You and your baby are beautiful.Congratulations.I dont know how to post pics,and even if i did they would be 10 years old as I have a 10 year old son and a 7 year old girl.

  6. Your daughter is beautiful!!!!!!! She looks like her momma! Lol. I like your purple room. Very nice.  Blessings to  you and your baby.

  7. Oh, she is a cutie! I see why you're so proud :)

    And I absolutely LOVE that purple background!! You've got a beautiful baby and a beautiful background! :)

    Congrats! You also look wonderful for just having a baby!!!

  8. Your daughter is soooo adorable!! congrats!!

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