
For all the rugby players out there?

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i have cross country tommorw and straight after a 7s or 8s rugby match

will this tire me out or will it bee a good work out




  1. You r gonna be tired but for ruggas it's worth it!!!!

  2. ur u play ur heart out in the rugger mach(which u should be)  then u will not be Abel to Handel the cross country  rugby is a demanding sport especially 7's u will use up all Ur energy and wont be Abel to replenish it fast enough to do cross country,,  after one of my maches i can barely stand for the next 2 hours.

  3. You will be in pain.

    But I used to play 15's in the morning and then lacrosse in the afternoon.

    Warm up and down properly before/after each (can't stress that enough).

    Drink plenty of water/gatorade (can't stress that enough either).

    Your muscles will hate you the next day, but you sahould be alright, be careful not to push yourself too much though.

    good luck.

  4. its gonna be alittle of both worlds, your gonna have hella fun, as well as be tired..  o, yeah you will be building your muscles, and stamina also..  i miss rugby so d**n much... have fun

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