ok so i breast feed my baby for 2 months now,
its been real hard coz when he was born the nurses put him on the bottle coz my milk was't coming out ,then again he caught jundice when the doc told me to put him on formula, so after all that i continued to feed him breast,but he was always hungry,and very fussy,so when he had his appointment wit the doc true enough he was under weight..s we put him back on formula and he;s actually doing good on it and puttin on weight perfectly in the meanwhile my milk supply has become very less,not only that my baby just does't like the breast anymore,he would cry all day but just would't go on the breast so i started pumping,and i pumped everyday and all i got was 2 or 3 oz's till just a few days back...so i decided to stop since im gettin only 2 or 3 oz's a day and my baby eats atleast 4 to 6 oz's every 3 to 4 hrs, thats like 22 to 25 oz's a day,so it does't make sense....and so i need all ur support abt formula,i think formula is doing good for my son and he's perfectly healty,and mayb breast feeding just is't for me!!!