
For all those bottle feeding moms....need ur support!!

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ok so i breast feed my baby for 2 months now,

its been real hard coz when he was born the nurses put him on the bottle coz my milk was't coming out ,then again he caught jundice when the doc told me to put him on formula, so after all that i continued to feed him breast,but he was always hungry,and very fussy,so when he had his appointment wit the doc true enough he was under weight..s we put him back on formula and he;s actually doing good on it and puttin on weight perfectly in the meanwhile my milk supply has become very less,not only that my baby just does't like the breast anymore,he would cry all day but just would't go on the breast so i started pumping,and i pumped everyday and all i got was 2 or 3 oz's till just a few days i decided to stop since im gettin only 2 or 3 oz's a day and my baby eats atleast 4 to 6 oz's every 3 to 4 hrs, thats like 22 to 25 oz's a day,so it does't make sense....and so i need all ur support abt formula,i think formula is doing good for my son and he's perfectly healty,and mayb breast feeding just is't for me!!!




  1. You poor thing! It sounds like you have been trying so hard to do what you think is right for your son...if the formula works, then stick with it.

    You asked for support from bottle feeding moms and I have to confess I'm not a bottle feeding mom---I breast fed all three of mine until age 1, BUT I SUPPORT YOU FULLY AND WISH YOU ALL THE BEST....

  2. It's fine if you decide to use formula.  It won't kill your son, nor will it make him stupid or sickly for the rest of his life.  I do think, though, that you were given some horrible advice about breast feeding, which is why you're having problems.  Don't say that breast feeding wasn't for you.  Blame it on the nurses who gave a bottle when he was just born, the doctor who suggested formula for his jaundice, and who suggested formula to help him gain weight.  

    Babies don't need anything besides your colostrum until your milk comes in, which doesn't happen until 3-7 days after birth.  Jaundice does not mean that a baby needs formula; it can be treated very effectively with breast milk.  Continued nursing and work with a lactation consultant will help with poor weight gain.  So, it isn't you that has the problem, but the ones who gave you awful advice.

  3. Dont worry both of my boys were on formula a week after they were born not by my choice but i think your little one will be just fine.

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  4. I tried my hardest to breastfeed, but my milk didnt come in for a week.  My baby would have starved if i didnt use formula.  Meanwhile i continued to pump and only produced about an ounce or 2. Dont beat urself up, not everyone can breastfeed. Be happy the formula is working and that baby is healthy and most of all gaining weight.  

  5. I breastfed my daughter for 3 weeks.  And then I developed blood clots and had to be put on heparin for the next 3 weeks.  Heparin comes through the breast milk and can be dangerous for the baby so I had to stop nursing.  And honey, let me tell you - I made enough milk for 2 kids, easy.  Stopping was disappointing to me, but it just didn't make sense to put her on a bottle and formula for 3 weeks, while I pumped and threw away the milk, and then try to start nursing again.  And pumps back then aren't like they are today, so that wasn't a really good option.

    If you, as a mother, think that your baby is happier and healthier on formula, and if the doctor agrees with your decision, NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO CRITICIZE YOU.  No one.  Ever.  Your baby is healthy, happy, growing; you're less stressed; daddy and grandma can take turns feeding the little angel so you can rest.  Bottles and formulas have advantages too, you know.

    Now go give that darling a big kiss and know that you are a terrific mom.

  6. There is so much pressure to Breastfeed these days. Yes breastfeeding is beneficial but Formula can be just as good. I had to stop breastfeeding when my son was 4 months because I couldn't maintain my weight. I've always been on the slim side and expending so many calories a day in breast milk had me down below my pregnancy weight.

    Breastfeeding isn't for everyone. Don't feel there is anything wrong with you. All that matters is that your son is happy and healthy. Many babies are raised on Forumla and they turn out to be happy, healthy adults.

  7. I couldn't breast feed my daughter, which made me very upset because I was dead set on it, i didn't even buy bottles or anything, then my milk didn't come in and I continued to try for a few weeks and she lost so much weight I couldn't justify doing it. She had lost 2 pounds while I tried, I felt selfish, like I was starving her to death. So I gave up and I fed her formula, and my breast milk NEVER even came in. My b***s never got big and filled up, I never leaked, i never dealt with pain. She has been formula fed for 4 months now and she is thriving!!! She sits up on her own at 4 months, she stands when I hold her hands and walks her feet on her own, which she has been doing for about a month now. she rolls over everywhere all the time. She is ALWAYS smiling and people are always commenting about how happy and smiley she always is. she loved to play, holds toys in both hands, holds her own bottle, goes to sleep on her own everytime she sleeps, has slept through the entire night since she was 2 months, I mean from 8 at night til 9 the next day, she has been in her jumper since 3 months and she has the funniest personality. She is very well behaved, barely ever cries, EVER! and she is a formula fed perfect baby. It is not a bad thing to not breast feed. It is an opinion, it is for people and not for some, I don't think it is selfish in any way to formula feed. You are doing great as his mother. I am sure he will turn out just perfect! Congratulations!

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