
For all those global warming nay-sayers, can you tell me what the "holes" in the global warming theory are?

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I want to know exactly what "scientific" proof you guys are so tenaciously clinging to.




  1. there is no consistent samples to compare in order to come to any conclusions. true science needs to have real data in order to be accurate

  2. I agree with "zintradi",

    Do we want the burden of higher taxes and a more restrictive economy (maybe a financial crisis)  due to a new legislation that is still  showing uncertain outcomes and uncertain results about our impact on the climate?

  3. OK there is some viable science behind the Global Warming theory however many things cannot be explained by their theorys. From 2005-2007 the earth cooled enough to wipe out all of the warming for the past 50 years. 1 co2 makes up such a drastically low percentage of our earths atmosphere .03 percent. While water vapor which is also considered a greenhouse gas makes up roughly 30%. Global warming does and has occured but its nothing to get exited about it happens we cant control it get over it but man made warming trends relating to co2 are a complete joke

  4. First I would like to say WOW! And then if global warming can cause global cooling, Is it possible global cooling can cause global warming? Will energy cost result in less greenhouse gas production? And finally I have a book called the Holy Bible that speaks of many horses....james the hollow earth man

  5. 136 points and you are just so full of Yahoo Global Warming section history already, who are you really?

    You claim the cooling between 1945 and 1975 is because of industrial pollutants, the PDO cool phase is a more likely reason and it doesn't make you sound stupid if the world continues to cool. Do you honestly think industrial pollutants have an on and off switch that regulate temperature that span a single calendar year?


    And as far as Dr. Hoerlings team they apparently don't have a clue how to look at data. The Multivariate Enso Index and (-20 -  20) Lower Troposphere Data correlate very well, it is more likely that warmer sea surface temperatures associated with El-Nino in the tropics coupled with a positive water vapor feedback lead to warming in 2006 more than a freaking minuscule increase of trace gases in the atmosphere, that never mattered before.



    Well sorry sweety, I don't care what the IPCC says, they are a bunch of activists disguised as scientists and have been caught cheating numerous times. The Periodof 1880 to 1910 PDO cool phase, 1910 to 1940 was associated with the PDO warm phase, 1940 - 1977 PDO cool phase and 1977 - 2007 PDO warm phase(OR WHAT YOU CALL AGW). Thats what I choose believe because it works, and YOUR favorite THEORY doesn't work. My theory prepares us for reality, and yours gets, people starved, and the IPCC or United Nations only cares about throttling the arsenal of Democracy, you should wake up, and lay off the Koolaid.



  6. First, i want to thank you for reffering to this as the Global warming Theory, as that is what it is.

    Second, i think someone has seen The day after tomorrow a bit too much. Scientists proved a long time ago that the gulf stream current CANNOT shut down, unless the earth stops spinning and the moon floats away.

    "The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility." [*]

    Also, even if the ENTIRE north pole, with the exception of greenland, melted, sea level would DROP. If you knew middle school physics, you would know that ice contains air, which causes it to float, therefore displacing water. When you put an ice cube in a glass of water, it'll raise the water level, and lower it as it melts. I would also like to mention here that it is VASTLY the northern hemisphere that is warming[1], so no north pole ice, lower oceans, trade now opens up in that pass. Id call that a benefit, personally, especially with our economy as it is. dont even start on the polar bear c**p, because it is just plain not true. Research it, they are actually doing better in warmer areas. The arctic is a very hostile environment as well. You try living in a tundra, see how it is.

    Another graph i enjoy to show in this debate is the 5 million year graph. [2] Unless im missing something here, i do not believe cavemen 5 million years ago had cars to pollute the atmosphere, because it has been warming for that long!!! What we are experiencing now is a blip in geological history. What do you think 20, or even a 100 years of an anomaly is in  6 BILLION years of life? That is a blink of an eye, a needle on a forest of pine trees. Nothing. Nada.

    And the real finally, although there is just soooo much more (like computer models {CHAOS THEORY, read up on it}), is the actual correlation between CO2 and temperature. Please, if you would, take a piece of paper and put it perpendicular to this picture [3]. It is Al Gores exact same graph that he uses with his little "Did they ever fit together" pitch, showing how CO2 affects temperature. But with this piece of paper, it is OBVIOUS that CO2 levels rise much later, so noticeably later, that you can see it on a graph with a scale  of 10,000 YEARS!!!!!!!

    Please, don't get me wrong though. Alternative energy is great, that whole shebang. BUT, yes theres always a but, think about all of the people without jobs if the oil industry goes out of business. Also, you have to open your eyes and see what is going on here. Look at how many new companies have started going green, hybrids, etc. I bet hybrid sales have skyrocketed. This is an industry, not a cause. They, meaning people like Al Gore, scare you to make it look like a cause, but in reality they are taking your money for no good will done. THINK ABOUT IT! "Every person makes a difference." Yeah right, everyone makes a difference in how much money these  'green' tycoons are making (pun intended).

    Oh, and i was just reading through some more of your subjective facts, and i saw the ol' storm intensity in there. This is comical. A big hurricane happens, and now there are going to be more intense storms due to global warming! Run for your lives, people, climate change is going to kill us in our sleep!

    Sorry i just find this particularly funny, as you can see, because you fear-mongerers act as if the world will end in one fell swoop if we don't do anything to stop this. Its climate change, lol. "Climate encompasses the...and numerous other meteorogical factors weather in a given region over LONG PERIODS of time." (emphasis added). You are not going to wake up and see that New York is under 20 feet of water, or giant tornadoes will frequently ravage the plains.

    [Edit] Yes, you are probably 100% correct about this being the time with the highest CO2. It doesn't really matter though. As seen in the "caveman" graph, so to speak, it has been warming for 5 million years, so i am not at all surprised. Also, as i said before, high temperature causes CO2 increase, not the other way around, as mistakenly proven by the almighty Al Gore. So CO2 isn't a big factor in this whole mess. 95% of greenhouse gases is water vapor. Global warming is a cause of itself. The warmer the globe, the more evaporation and water vapor in the air, the warmer it gets, (over time). Makes more sense than "those d**n rich people driving their SUVs and private jets and not giving a sh*t about the environment creating a giant mass of CO2, which isnt all that giant, its actually less than 1%, but its still killing all of the polar bears so i care now" type of thought. I don't deny that the globe is warming, although factors like the urban heat island affect and bias of technology in the early 1900's make me want to deny that as well, but its the severity and the notion that we can reverse it that stupefies me. I mean, mass extinctions over a period of time? I thought you people believed in evolution (I know I do)

  7. Predictions that are being made rely over-heavily on models that are blunt instruments at best- if the models can't predict semi-regular cyclical weather patterns like:

    1) ENSO (El Nino, to you)

    2) Atlantic hurricane activity

    3) Gravity wind events like the 'Tehuanapec Express'

       then the models are obviously a work in progress, not a predictive tool.

          In science, we can't slack on the burden of proof- this is why evolutionary biologists are still refining their work- people believe or don't, but as the information and the reliability of the information improves, it becomes more reasonable to be swayed.

  8. Here is where it all breaks down.

    The "theory" is that man made CO2 is increasing and this "greenhouse gas" is causing the earth's temperature to rise (reportedly about 1 degree C in the past 150 years) -- Agree?

    Then I challenge you to take the 2 Al Gore graphs(CO2 and Temp) and place them on top of each other -- if you take the time to do that -you will see his lie (and why he kept those 2 graphs apart in his movie).

    Hint:  How does increased CO2 "cause" temperature rise when temperature rise comes BEFORE the CO2 rise?

    Unless you think babies cause s*x - the debate is really over!

  9. the debate is not whether climate change is happening, the debate is whether or not Man has contributed, and whethere man can do anything about it. Also whether or not increased carbon in the atmosphere is a result of a warming climate, or causes the climate to warm... also just how much the increased output from the Sun has contributed to global climate warming...

    I for one think, that if we had no real measurable effect and can do little to stop it, we should not shoot ourselves in the foot by passing costly harmfull legislation that stifles econimic activity.

  10. First global warming isn't happening.  The burden of proof is on those who think it's real.

    No one can predict the future.  No one can say if it will be warmer or colder a year, 5 years, 10 years from now and show you how they came to their conclusion.

    Believers can only claim that the temperatures will increase because they believe it will get warmer.

    This is emotions, not science.

    [Edit] Sorry - That's not how it works.  If I believe 'Bigfoot' is real, I don't say "Big foot is real, prove he doesn't exist"  This isn't proof that 'Bigfoot' is real.

    Many scientist, many scientific agencies will tell you that the Sun effects climate.  This is the reason why 2007 - 2008 has been unusually cold.  There's fewer sunspots.

    Now prove to me that global warming is real.  Tell me what the approximate temperature of the climate will be in 5 years, and show me how you came to that conclusion.

    Ok, that was just a joke.  I know no one can do that.  Believers will just say that it will get warmer because that's what they believe.

    Sure people make assumptions all the time.  Assume is to take as granted or true, or suppose it is real

    Not fact, which does describe "global warming".

    [Edit] Yes - Many scientist have said that global warming is real and man made, and many scientist and scientific organizations have said that climate temperatures are controled by the Sun.  You chose who you want to believe depending on your emotions.

    If you think that's science, fine.  Just leave me alone.

  11. Hubble's theory is that the earth is constantly expanding, everything in space is. This causes the earth to cool but moves parts towards the sun. The earth has been around forever and has experienced climate change much more rapid than we see now. Check the thermometers though, the earth is actually cooling. Maybe another ice age. It goes through cycles. We've only been industrialized for 200  years. The earth has been here for billions. If we are the cause, the earth will weed us out to clean herself.

  12. The holes in the theory are mostly about how much humans are contributing to warming, how harmful that warming is, and the proposed solutions.

  13. Wow, I admire you. It takes a lot of guts to stand up for the truth. I agree with you, ignorance IS unstoppable, and these people will delude themselves into oblivion.

  14. there have always been a cycle of warm and cold.

    I live in the Miami River valley, this area is rich in aggregates, gravel pits everywhere. Gravel is a left over from when this area was scraped by glaciers. Glaciers formed the Ohio River.

    This whole area was under a glacier!

    HOWEVER, if you dig in my yard, down to the bedrock, you find fossils. These fossils are tropical plants, sea shells, tiny fish. This area was once a tropical swamp.

    At one time is was under a glacier, at another it was under water.

    Now what is it, global warming or global cooling? If it is global warming, why have we set record low temps this month.

    As for coastal flooding because of melting ice... drop ice in a drinking glass, fill with water, let ice melt, notice that water level did not change.

  15. A true scientific answer would involve a lengthy test... a test over time.  Science has only recently discovered the holes in the ozone and therefore cannot contend how long they have been there versus how long/large they are growing.  There has been no significant change in the global temperature.  By significant again you must base this on the scientific /mathematical definition of significant: In statistics, describes a mathematical measure of difference between groups. The difference is said to be significant if it is greater than what might be expected to happen by chance alone. Also called statistically significant.  It is the sensationalism by the news that has created this "global warming" trend, increased by religious zealots that love to latch onto these types of things.

    You must remember that in scientific terms the 20th century is not long enough to determine a pattern.  

    there is a report from January 2008 that show an actual cooling so as you can seen the trends must be followed and studied to determine a specific pattern.

    reading your last edit you obviously didn't check my link with the report the shows the cooling trend from 2007 to 2008.  How does that work with your whole...greenhouse gases cause the earth to be warmer.  but we could go back and forth about this because you won't change my mind, and I won't change yours

  16. First of all, the temps of the oceans are not changing enough.  Latest report, I don't remember where, but it was by the appropriate group of measurers.

    Secondly, the NOAA observed an undersea volcanic eruption in the Arctic Sea in 1999.  Bigger than Mt St. Helens.  A mile wide extrusion of lava, and dozens of miles long from a rift between Greenland and Siberia.  The ice melt occurred starting at that very time.  It has continued with cooling so that now the ice is reforming.  Similar to the formation of the Hawaiian Island chain.  

    This is the first volcanic eruption ever noted in the undersea Arctic area.  

    Interestingly, the Antarctic ice is not similarly melting.  

    It is also the probable explanation of the El Nino effect.  Huge tracts of Pacific Ocean warming in the Western Pacific that travels like a giant wedge plug of warm water all the way to the Americas.  Sporadic and unpredictable but massive.

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